compatibility issues with the oppo 95 and ext hd's

Wondering if anyone else has encountered this or has any suggestions. I tried two "pro audio" hard drives: the latest from glyph and avastor. Both have internal power supplies and will allow me to use my synergistic research hologram a power cords. However, the oppo is not compatible with the latest oxford chipset. Has anyone had any luck using a quality hard drive on the oppo 95? Oppo said they tested the 95 using western digital and hitachi before release. Very dissapointing in an otherwise fine piece.
Al, thanks for the suggestions. All were tried without any success. Oppo claims they only found out about the incompatibility after being told by end users. I am left to wonder why their 'audiophile' piece - the bdp 95 - was tested using hard drives never meant for audio. It is absurd. I know of others who have tried the latest audio grade hd's without success. I'm going to have to try and get a two year old model from glyph or avastor in order to play my 2TB of digital music. really I can't believe it. I know someone who notified oppo of this 4 months ago and still no firmware update. Ugh. Gonna have to go back to lp's.
Ooops. Didn't mean to re-send that last one. Good points on the formatting, Al. Has anyone had success with the 95 and a quality hard drive that is not a discontinued model?
A further thought. You mentioned having 2TB of music. How big are the drives you've tried? Many computer operating systems have incompatibilities with drive sizes exceeding 2.19TB. I'm wondering if the OS that is running within the Oppo may be having that problem.

-- Al
I tried 2TB hard drives. Oppo said the compatibility issue is with the oxford 924 chipset which is used in the current model pro audio hd's.
My 1 TB HP will not work right on my Oppo 95. It will play only about 100 CD's out of the 2000 that were ripped on the Hard drive all in Apple Lossless.