Lampizator Transport?

Has anyone have any experience with the New Lampizator transport?
Hi Glory.

Thanks for the info. I thought i was the only one who has experienced problems with the transport. I got mine back in april/May and have not been a happy customer. I have connectivity issues and have spent more time mucking around trying to get the unit working than listening to music.I have spent money on a new router, changed my computer locations etccc only to find out that it was the Lampizators fault and not mine. for reference i have a squeezebox Duet for 3 years and it has NEVER given me any problems

all credit to the Australian distributor whom insisted that Lucaz send me out a new unit. after 2 months of waiting the new unit arrived only to be Dead on arrival.

when i have got the unit working, it is a great sounding product, but its not enough to make up with the frustration of the sheer unreliability.

L needs to yank it off the market and get it right.

Hate to see it tarnish his world class Dac in anyway.
Do you know how many units the US distributor had faults with. The US being such a big market, i would have thought he would have sold quite a few. I am the only one in Australia that has got one.
If your issues with the Lamp are connectivity to your network..IMHO..I would not fault it. I battle network issues with my Duet and my Transporter every now and then. Enough that I am looking for an alternative. Right now the music vault with a quality DAC..maybe the Lamp.

If there are other issues..I would love to hear them..large or small.

I am a newbie and rely on you guys for input.Thanks
I have been using SB3, Duet, Boom and MW Transporter for years and never had to battle any wireless network issues.

If there were issues, it was a bad battery in the laptop running SB server or fios/router.