Are Disc Players Dead?

How important is a disc player anymore? I think that stand alone DAC's have far eclipsed the stand alone disc player in importance over the last 3 years with the rise of server based music.

Only an SACD really needs a disc player anymore. In what instance can you get better sound from a disc player than when you download the music, CD or HiRez, then play it back through a new stand alone DAC with the latest technology?

I really only use my very humble disc player to watch movies that I own now. I download most movies to rent through AppleTV, and if I buy a CD (rare) I download it to the server, where it takes up residence in iTunes for playback in AIFF format.

So, disc players on their deathbed, as DAC move to the top of the digital mountain?

I say yes.
Are Disc Players Dead?

When computer audio outperforms a top-line well done CD transport, the latter will be dead indeed. Unfortunately, so far, this is not the case, at least not in my book!

So enjoy the "dead" CD player/transport, and the music, of course! :-)

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev
Are turntables dead? There really aren't that many records being produced anymore and the used supply of records in good condition in music that people want is diminishing. Add that to the fact that everytime you play a record it is wearing out. It is a fact the turntable will be dead long before the disc player. It has been dying a slow death for years. The only thing keeping it alive is the low prices for used records.
I do not think so, I like the ritual of playing discs. If I get a server and like it better for sound and convenience then maybe the silver disc spinner will be dead, but that will not be for some time. I like having solid media.
Rrog, you are way misinformed. Do an internet seach, vinly production has increased the last 5 years at an exponential pace.

Do a web search.
Here are some figures for cd and lp sales and shipments for 2010:

According to Nielsen SoundScan, in 2010:

235 million cds were sold (approximately)*
2.8 million lps were sold

*cds were not broken out separately, thus the approximation.

According to the RIAA, in 2010:

226 million cds were shipped
4.0 million lps were shipped

The Beatle's Abbey Road was the biggest selling lp with 35,000 sold. Suburbs by Arcade Fire was a distant second.

Sales of cds are declining, sales of lps and digital downloads are increasing. Disc players will remain an essential item for many audiophiles and casual listeners for a long time to come though.

Someone may even build a disc player that makes cds sound better than vinyl starting a cd revival. Could happen.