Any opinions on the AMR Digital Processor 777 Dac?

I am wondering what users are thinking of this dac and if they have compared it to similarly priced units. I haven't seen much information or any professional reviews at this point and I am intrigued by it's functionality.
My two cents here re 16-bit NOS mode.
The AMR 777 is excellent with high rez, but I wouldn't say it is that much better than competitors. The mode that sets it apart is the 16-bit NOS mode. I had several NOS DACs before, all of them would give you that liquid mid range and palpable timbre. The instruments just sound more real. However there are not enough air and usual the size of the soundstage would be relatively narrow. The AMR's NOS mode just retain those NOS qualities with lots more openness and "air". I think this quality is very unique in the market. If you listen much to 16/44 and like NOS sound, then this is the perfect DAC.
Beat the MSB Powerdac and the Metrum Octave hands down on high res and redbook. I am still shocked by what it offers for the money, 2 dacs, a linestage (71 steps) with 2 analog inputs and a total of 7 inputs. Master clock with a 28 million options selection to choose the closest clock for the incoming signal (all done automatically of course) completely seperate transformer for the display...etc. The tubed VD-i digital input. When I look at what the other guys are offering for 5K or even 4 times the price... it just becomes a no-brainer. Couple all of that goodness LOL with the sound this thing produces and you have a winner. This dac has a lot of manufacturers shaking and I have already caught one very very very big shill on this site trying to throw veiled disparaging remarks about where it is built (very non direct) LOL. I happen to know this individual has a silent partner role in the product he is extolling. I HATE shills.

My uncle also purchased the AMR and found it far better than a slew of his former digital purchases some of which were the Concert Fidelity ($10K) the Esoteric (ludicrous money LOL)P01 vu/D01 vu/G-0rb, (more crazy money) Wadia Series 9, ($20k)Stal-tek Vekian...

If i sound excited about the product I am. I take the enjoyment of my music very serious and names don't mean anythig to me if the product can't produce that certain ineffable experience which is very difficult to achieve. The Bidat could do it, the Dynavox Dynastation could do it. The MSB Powerdac could do it ... sometimes :) the MSB was very good, but it was not a consitent performerm, sometimes it would be downright scary good and other times it was just better than most :) The Metrum Octave... for $1k... NO BRAINER... that thing is scary freakish good with the right USB/SPDIf converter (if you are using a computer) I would reccomend the Sonicweld Diverter HR or the Kingrex UC192 both of which I owned.

The AMR DP777 tops all of the aforementioned dacs (in my opinion) :)

Ok, back to work, I have to write some code :)
Hi Audiofun,

your writing deomostrates allot of enthusiasm, you have mentione allot above. I would like to touch bass on a few areas.

1. you are a dealer, for what?

2. you made mention of your having a $38K analog front end, what does this consist of.

3. Have you heard the 77.1 all in one unit and compared the 777 dac mentioed here with a transport "what was the transport actually used" and what the outcome.

Describing in detail what you heard, do you feel the dac out performs the one in the 77.1?
Yeah Audiofun... No offence... But you do come across as a shill!
We HATE shills here on the 'Gon...

A gon gon gon she bin gon so long...
Been around for a long time and if you look at my post you will see that I have constantly upgraded my gear from my Bidat, to the dynastation to the Metrum ...etc. I'm a software developer. The turntable is not mine, and I think i stated that fact. It is a friends, I'm not into analog... Too much work :)

Shills usually only praise one brand of gear consistently, I have always went with whatever was the best sounding so long as I could afford it. f1a I'm surprised you would label me a shill when there are people who Obviously praise one or two particular brands of gear and they always seem to rear their heads when certain gear is mentioned.

A lot of people followed my posts when I was all about my former Bidat, then MSB PowerDac, then Metrum with the diverter... Keep it moving.

Nice try F1a but I'm just an enthusiastic Audiophile in Chicago... Agon went so far as to dropnthe thread on the Octave that I was commenting on.

Dev, I a dealer for my services as a software developer..., does that answer your query?

I think that f1A is trying to take the attention of the subject at hand, the Dac under discussion. Attempting to obsfuscate the topic with crazy claims only makes you look suspect.