Any opinions on the AMR Digital Processor 777 Dac?

I am wondering what users are thinking of this dac and if they have compared it to similarly priced units. I haven't seen much information or any professional reviews at this point and I am intrigued by it's functionality.
Been around for a long time and if you look at my post you will see that I have constantly upgraded my gear from my Bidat, to the dynastation to the Metrum ...etc. I'm a software developer. The turntable is not mine, and I think i stated that fact. It is a friends, I'm not into analog... Too much work :)

Shills usually only praise one brand of gear consistently, I have always went with whatever was the best sounding so long as I could afford it. f1a I'm surprised you would label me a shill when there are people who Obviously praise one or two particular brands of gear and they always seem to rear their heads when certain gear is mentioned.

A lot of people followed my posts when I was all about my former Bidat, then MSB PowerDac, then Metrum with the diverter... Keep it moving.

Nice try F1a but I'm just an enthusiastic Audiophile in Chicago... Agon went so far as to dropnthe thread on the Octave that I was commenting on.

Dev, I a dealer for my services as a software developer..., does that answer your query?

I think that f1A is trying to take the attention of the subject at hand, the Dac under discussion. Attempting to obsfuscate the topic with crazy claims only makes you look suspect.
Audiofun, I understand it wasn't your table, my mistake "typo" and not being able to edit adding your friends words.

I was curious what you were a dearler for and you answered that, thanks.

Now back to my other audio related questions because you did answer any.

1. You made mention of your "FREIND" having a $38K analog front end, what does this consist of.

2. Have you heard the 77.1 all in one unit and compared the 777 dac mentioed here with a transport "what was the transport actually used" and what the outcome.

Describing in detail what you heard, do you feel the dac out performs the one in the 77.1?

Dev: the analog front end is made up of a Monaco Grandprix turntable and associated gear. While it is a VERY VERY impressive analog front end and something to behold, I find that I prefer the sound of my digital. Now I will say that I personally think that digital done right can be better than... thought I was going to go there didn't you? LOL Not opening that can of worms but in this case, yes I preferred the digital. This is not the first time I have had this experience. Some years ago I did a head to head with my Bidat with the Plus-Mod to another friends Sota Vacuum TT with a Lamm phono stage. I don't remember the arm or cartridge combination and I prefered the Bidat. NOW, I realize setup setup setup and it is possible that my friends turntables are not optimized... that I don't know.

I am not privy to a 77.1 (plus I don't spin discs anymore)so I have not been able to do a head to head comparison so I have no opinion :) Around the beginning of 2009 (if memory serves) I went fully to the camp of music servers. I sold my last cd player on this forum and never looked back. I automated everything with a Mac Mini, my iPhone and iPad, Plex, Remote and a NAS drive.
Audiofun, thx for the limited responce.

I also have and use vinyl and had the 77 in my system and no way did it come close to my set-up sonically.

I use to have a amazing referrence red book set-up listed at over $40K and still was not on par with my vinyl set-up, I sold it off for that reason along with the real estate it was taking up.

I still have a nice collection of cd's that I can't get on vinyl so I still wanted a player to listen hence getting a 77.1.

I have listened to allot of servers and not one has done anything for me, great for convenience but that's about it.

So that's my take on this
Well I think we all know that money does not necessarily equate to great sound :) I went to one home with $85K speakers installed. The amps and all associated gear was placed in a purpose built equipment room with custom cabinetry to house all the electronics. Absolutely stunningly beautiful room!!! Probably about 4 to $500K invested between the room and gear... and the sound ???

Absolutely NOTHING to write home about. It was impressive to behold and utterly uninvolving... And no, I will not list the gear so as to protect the innocent :)

Some of my friends have LARGE album collections and a turntable makes absolute sense for them to own. While I have wanted to play with a TT, I have about 20 LP's LOL and I simply don't think I will get the ROI were I to go that route. I am also very spoiled with my iPad controlling my whole rig.., can't go back now :)