Any opinions on the AMR Digital Processor 777 Dac?

I am wondering what users are thinking of this dac and if they have compared it to similarly priced units. I haven't seen much information or any professional reviews at this point and I am intrigued by it's functionality.
I believe the NAD M-51 is a giant killer!, It appears that the player is pulling off the David and Goliath story here on this thread!, For a $1,700.00 dac to be mentioned here is a miracle in its-self.

I know you query was forever ago :) but I just saw your query and since this thread is still going...

The AMR is beyond the Octave in its presentation of continuity. Much like a great analog rig can outshine a dac concerning continuousness of musical flow.., the AMR juxtaposed to the Octave elicits the same effect. I had both units in my rig side by side and could compare the Octave/Diverter HR directly to the AMR and that comparison ALWAYS made the Octave sound mechanical. I know that sounds harsh, but it was obvious and inescapable.., the Octave simply sounded.., well mechanical and harder almost like you could visualize the numbers being crunched to make the music. I still hold that it is a great dac and if you listen to it without having the AMR nearby it is very enjoyable.

These days, my AMR has the Duelend VSF Black caps, I use an iPurifier and iUSB and (2) ifi Gemini cables along with the iTube. As you can tell.., I like the AMR/iFi line of gear :)

Due to the iTube I actually sold both of my MFA Reference TVC's (Ref and Baby Ref) as I felt it brought the magic and fullness that the MFA's presented. That is not as surprising as it may seem when you find out that the man who actually designed the transformers in the MFA Ref is Thorsten Loesche, who happens to be one of the principals behind AMR/iFi.

I have an AMR777 DAC and really like it. I noticed you have the Duelend VSF Black caps. Are these caps the copper version? Have you gotten the upgrade SE version coming out already? I can’t wait for the upgraded caps and SE mod. It has me all excited.

Hi Coxhaus, I do have the copper VSF Black caps. I will be getting the SE modification and I am excited as well. I don't have it as yet, because it is not available yet.., shipping last day of March...

Upgraded digital engine with Quad Core engine, in-house designed upgraded coupling cap and the NOS 5670 tube with built in noise filters in the tube socket.

Good times indeed!!!!