Audio note Dac question


I don't hear much talk on the Gon about the Audio Note Dac kits. I know they may be a bit dated but they still look interesting to me. I am in the market for a new dac and really like building kits when ever I can. I was considering either the 2.1 or the 3.1 kit. If anyone can shed some light on them it would be a great help.

I am also considering the Benchmark Dac 1 usb. I had one when they first came out with the NE5555 opamps and ended up selling it. I wasn't that impressed with it at the time, then again the system I have now is much better than what I had. I have also heard they sound better with the LM4562 opamps.

Thanks for the help
overall it would be just about the same cost to upgrade the 2.1 to balanced outputs as it would to sell the 2.1 and get a 3.1 with balanced.

the cost of the upgrade components, installation, and shipping the unit back and forth, not to mention the inconvenience of being without a DAC for a couple of weeks, turn out very close to just getting a 3.1 balanced made new.
of course, that's not accounting for my investment in premium NOS tubes, but I tend to exclude that since it was money spent after-the-fact (logical or not!)
Hey FC,

I put a couple of matched nos amperex bugle boys and an RCA in. One other I don't remember atm.

You can find me at joncourage(at)ymail(dot)com