Audio note Dac question


I don't hear much talk on the Gon about the Audio Note Dac kits. I know they may be a bit dated but they still look interesting to me. I am in the market for a new dac and really like building kits when ever I can. I was considering either the 2.1 or the 3.1 kit. If anyone can shed some light on them it would be a great help.

I am also considering the Benchmark Dac 1 usb. I had one when they first came out with the NE5555 opamps and ended up selling it. I wasn't that impressed with it at the time, then again the system I have now is much better than what I had. I have also heard they sound better with the LM4562 opamps.

Thanks for the help
Also, I agree with Charles1dad, the PWT is definitely natural and transparent... On another note, I have not had personal experience with the 47 Labs Flatfish but have been recommended towards it by several folks for it's naturalness - I have also heard it can be a bit finicky though (and the reason I have not tried)...
On another inspection of the kit web site, I see the 2.1 kit can be had in 12AU7 drivers instead of the 6922 - this may be of interest. I use 12AU7 Mullard “long plate square getter” in my MP3 preamp and love them, plus I believe 12AU7 are more competitively priced than comparable 6922 tubes - anyway, my 2 cent

My DAC board uses 5687 drive tubes (kit 2.1 c / 3.1 +) and I use 7119 Amperex lovingly.
anyone else on the AN Dac??

I had a very tricked out 2.1b Signature AN Kits Dac. AN silver outputcaps,6922 tubes, upgraded BG caps on the digital board, and seriously upgraded BG caps on the M2 power supply board. I had the Dac for about two years and had to sell it for financial reasons last summer. Makes me sick everytime I think about it! AN Kits Dac's really do offer a very real alternative or compliment to vinyl.
Good Luck,

Thanks Rodge, sorry you had to part with it. Exactly what caps were changed on the M2 board?