DCS Puccini and Uclock vs Debussey and Uclock

I am looking for anyone who has compared the DCS Puccini and Uclock vs Debussey and Uclock with computer Audio.

Have heard the Debussey vs Ayre DX5. Debussey had increadible bass but vocals were secondary in the music presentation. DX5 DAC was warmer and brought the vocals forword but bass and instruments were not as clear as the DCS. Does the Puccini and Uclock have a different presentation to the Debussey and Uclock. Happy to hear of another DAC with superiour performance to the Debussey within the same price range. Look forward to your feedback!
jon47...what is your system...that might help a little. I'd be surprised if a non dCS transport/Debussy/Uclock would beat a dCS Puccini/Uclock...plus with the Puccini/uclock you get native SACD, which is the stregnth of the dCS platform for sure i'd say...it just depends on your software.

Also the Puccini has a few more digital filters, including the new apodizing filter...than the debussy....
Jfrech, native DSD with dCS is incomparable. Upsampling all PCM to DSD is not necessarily preferable. I've found listening to PCM at native resolution through a quality DAC superior to the processed complexity of upsampling. 16/44 sounds contrived processed to 24/96. It sounds cartoonish pushed to 1/2.82Ms/S. IMHO.
Jfrech, please tell me after many years of experince, can you tell which is best power cable for Puccini ? Also which interconect can I use between dcs and REF 5 ?
Hi, my opinion here...I like the Shunyata Anaconda or the King Cobra (what I am using currently). The Purist Audio Designs Conurus or Ltd should be very good also for power...

As for interconnects, I like the Transparent Ref, Ref XL, or Ref MM2 (only their mm2 versions)
Thank you.
I just bought ML Ultra MM2, hope to be good for Puccini. Also for curiosity I will buy one LessLoss Signature, everybody have best words about it, also seller accept return if you are not happy with it !

I just find best solution DIY for power cord, testing in my system today, it is fabulos, used Furutech F50 series as connectors and secret wire made in some way, and sound it is best I ever heard ever. In test was : PSA AC12, Cardas GR, Shunyata Python Helix, Furutech Powerflux Cord Cable, Nordost Valhalla. This DIY cable was better in all ways than all I mention here :)