Best CD player under $5K?

Replacing Classe CDP-1 and CDT-1 in fully balanced config. Suggestions welcome. Thanks.
I am a little wary on upgrade programs for CD Players. Some leave the player sounding 'different' rather than 'better'.
Know what you mean on that Kiwi and ordinarily I agree with you. But, in my book Mr. Sprey is also one of the very few modders I feel I can trust implicitly. In fact, as far as I'm aware anyone apart from Ric or Mr. Sprey personally I'd have to think twice about, if at all. If you want, see my post above here on the 24th for my own 2 cents on all that.
My only problem is that, now that Mr Sprey's offer for an upgrade of the 840c is finally a reality, it's too bad they've been discontinued so long you now can't find a single one on the web anymore, new or used... :(