CD player to compete with my vinyl rig?


I find that I have stopped buying CDs, which I regret because there is so much great new music out there.

My player is a Cambridge 640c and listening to it just doesn't do the 'suspension of disbelief' thing. It has all the right stuff: black backgrounds, dynamics, PRAT, detail, air, frequency extension, but as soon as the orchestral strings well up or the horns start, I want to turn it off. The timbral qualities are weird (especially massed strings, voices) and the sense of real people playing instruments isn't there. There's a sheen and confusion to the soundscape. My vinyl rig offers by far the more realistic experience. I have multiple copies of Mahler's 2nd Symphony on both CD and vinyl, and I never listen to the CDs any more.

I would like to find a CD player that makes me want to listen to CDs as much as vinyl!

I'm looking at reviews of the Rega Apollo R, the Teac PD H600, Audiolab 8200CD and the Decware Zen triode player. (Yes, around $1000 budget).

My rig: Pro-ject 2 Xperience/Shure V15-IV, Jico SAS, Cambridge 640c, Rogue Cronus Magnum/KT120 tubes, LS3/5a speakers, Kimber, Zu cabling.

Music tastes: Sibelius, Mahler, Bruckner, Bach, fifties torch singers.

I would love to hear suggestions from members!
I have an Oppo 95 and similar taste in music the two test this thing had to pass was massed strings and brass, Bruckners 7th and 9th Paavo Jarvi (RCA sacd) and Ivan Fisher's Mahlers 2nd Channel Classics sacd deliver outstanding tonality, rich harmonics and tremendous soundstaging. 30 day trail and for me the $1000 Iv'e ever spent!
I have a highly modded Sony SCD-1 and while it sounds very good it can not compete with my vinyl set-up (VPI Classic/Benz Wood sl & Herron VTPH-2). I think for a $1000 it is going to be difficult. I would look to the modwright sony or oppo units for reasonable money (3K including player).

Thanks, I'm of a mind that down the road a bit, CDs are going to enter the domain of media-of-the-past. Since there are so many years of published titles on regular CD, they are going to be available one way or another for decades, new or used. I thought I would concentrate on finding a CD-only player that would shift the listening of CDs into an enjoyable domain! ('Enjoyable' doesn't necessarily mean the highest resolution or the deepest dynamic range). I find that the cost of SACDs is just too high...I would rather buy pristine vinyl at that price.

Is the Jolida JD100A worth considering?