Processor DACs

I am shopping for a new Processor. I’ll probably get an Integra DHC 80.3, so I am curious if anyone has ever compared the onboard DAC of their processor to an established benchmark DAC such as a W4S DAC-2. Since my music server has USB outs, it would require purchasing a USB to S/PDIF converter (such as the Anedio U2) to hook up the processor to the server. Before spending the money on a converter, I am wondering if people have tried this out, and what their experience with it is. It seems that most mainstream processors have solid DACs to do all the Dolby Digital conversion, so wouldn’t it make sense that they should perform excellent as a standalone DAC? I would appreciate your thoughts and experience.
Edorr, Have you experimented at all with Dirac or Acourate? If so, I would like to hear what your thoughts are and how the results compare to some of the mainstream products (given that they have a different implementation).
Cdj123, I have no personal experience running Room Correction on a PC. You can however get 30 day trial of acourate and maybe Dirac offers the same. Only financial commitment is you need a good microphone to do the calibration.
OK - well I just ordered a Cambridge DacMagic+ for my office computer-audio system. Maybe I'll bring it home and hook it up to HT rig in a few different configurations to see how it compares to the Anthem DACs. I know the Cambridge is not the top of the line, but it gets sufficiently good reviews that it should give me a pretty good idea about the quality of the DACs in the Anthem and the importance of the ARC room correction and bass management for 2-channel music. I'll report back in 2-3 weeks.
Mateored, I am looking forward to seeing how you make out. It should be a good comparison.
Cdj123 - you're going to have to keep waiting. I just sent the Dacmagic back and ordered a Wadia 121. I'll report back eventually.