Benefits of MF V-Link with a Mac-based system?

Hello, I am now embarking on conversion to a computer-based system. Like many, I am going to use a Mac (specifically an older Macbook, circa 2007, but eventually will put it all on a Mac Mini) feeding into a Rega DAC. I'm in the process of uploading everything to Apple Lossless.

Can someone please explain the purpose of the Musical Fidelity V-Link? I was planning to connect the Mac directly to the Rega via optical port with the Wireworld Supernova 6. Why are many people inserting this intermediary step of the V-Link? I've read the threads, but I think I'm missing something fundamental.
Thanks guys, I think I understand better now. I assumed initially that the V-Link was mostly being used by guys with no optical port on their computers, but then I saw posts from guys who were in fact using Macs with optical, but were using the V nevertheless. OK, well I think I'll just leave it alone and go with the direct connection.

Realremo and Ray: Thanks for the tips on the software. Actually I was planning to use Decibel. I haven't yet compared all the options, but I've tried Decibel and the improvement over ITunes is significant. Amarra seems a little pricey. Never heard of Audirvana Plus, but I'll try it.
Realremo, another question: You are using both Wireworld and Lifatec. Do you really find significant difference between the two?
No, I think I wrote in my post above, I cannot hear significant differences between the Wireworld coax and the Lifatec optical cables, whether the transport is my Denon changer or my laptop and the Vlink.
Keep in mind that the laptop-Jplay-Vlink combo can beat my changer's sound quality as a transport, but I found no difference out of the Vlink when swapping cables.
The biggest sonic improvement happened when I DAC'd the changer. Then I wanted to go USB into the DAC, so I could run my entire collection from an iPad, and the USB on my DL III was not as good as the sound coming from my CD changer. So that is when I purchased Jplay and the Vlink. Now the sound is better, but not by much, it's a subtle improvement. If I wasn't using my work laptop, and had to buy a laptop *just* for PC audio, I'd probably say the money wasn't worth the sound upgrade. That would almost double my PC audio investment, and I'd rather put that much dough into new speakers.
I actually have decibel also.I bought it before I tried Audirvana.It sounds very good.The reason I also bought Audirvana ,is that while I thought it sounded better by a small margin than Decibel,it integrated with Itunes.But is a beta edition i believe and is a little buggy yet,hope they will fix this.Of course this is all IMHO