Recommended USB- SPDIF converter for Metrum Octave

I am looking for a USB to SPDIF converter to use with a Metrum Octave DAC. The primary ones under consideration are:

1. JKSPDIF Mk III ($460)
2. Audiophilleo 2 with Pure Power ($999)
5. Wavelength Audio WaveLink ($900)

These configuration would be computer->USB to SPDIF->Metrum Octave->Rogue Cronus->Harbeth P3ESR

Aside from the obvious cost consideration favoring the JKSPDIF Mk III and Linux support favoring the Audiophilleo, can anyone comment on how the sound compares for any of the units?

I would prefer to hear from Metrum owners and owners of the aforementioned converters, but any other recommendations from owners of similar USB to SPDIF converters using them with the Metrum Octave would be appreciated. The reason for asking before looking further is that I came across these comments from John Darko on the DAR website.

"How does the Audiophilleo compare to the JKSPDIF? I get asked this question a lot. I've tried them both with a wide array of budget DACs over many, many months. There really isn't that much to separate them sonically. I could happily live with either (in the long-term) but I distinctly preferred the JKSPDIF with the Metrum Octave - it seemed to bring out more elasticity and tame some of the glassiness."

"Last week a buddy and I sat down to compare four different DACs. Whilst I won't divulge the conclusions here (this piece is about transports, remember?), we both agreed that the Audiophilleo seemed to overcook the upper-mids on a couple of decoding boxes. This wrinkle was ironed flat with a digital attenuator. The JKSPDIF MK3 seems to be kinder/gentler overall. Perhaps it's the battery technology?"

Can anyway comment as to whether or not they have shared his experience of the Audiophilleo? I believe his experience was without the Pure Power unit, and I was wondering how much of a change that had brought to the table for Audiophilleo owners, understanding that these characterizations are often system dependent.
The threads that I read also said they added a li-lon battery that last for 8 to 10 hours ... I'll let you know, I just ordered the Audio-gd Di V2 with the upgraded clock, then went to ebay and found the li-lon battery, I'll have them in a couple of weeks... Kingwa at Audio-gd has been superb in his communication, explanations and speaking with great knowledge and experience. I've actually been surpised. If its good enough, I'll post some sort of review. In about a month.
I just got a Weiss INT203 and it is clearly superior to both the Audiophilleo 2 and JKSPDIF Mk3. It plays on the strengths of both but on a higher level with great detail, transparency, and openness, but very natural and balanced, never strident or overly pronounced in any way. It is a great value on the used market. I just saw one go for $799! That's probably about what a used AP1 + PurePower would go for. Even new it looks like prices have come down a lot on the INT202/203 to about $1350. The only caveat is firewire, not USB. I had to ditch my Zotac nettop for a Mac Mini.

I have a Wavelink HS on the way and will post my impressions.
After some limited testing I have found that the Wavelink HS is again better than both the AP and JKSPDIF, but I prefer the Weiss over it. Compared to the INT203, the Wavelink is more like the AP -- more direct, very clear, transparent, and resolved -- with more emphasis on leading edge definition than the Weiss. The Weiss has a more relaxed character... but still vivid and exciting somehow. I find it a little more open and bigger and maybe more "natural" than the Wavelink. I do not find the Wavelink hard or fatiguing at all like the AP, however. I like the Wavelink a lot and am using it in my bedroom with the Squeezebox Touch -- a great converter for that purpose as USB support is somewhat limited on the Touch. Both the Wavelink and Weiss are great and I think it's a matter of preference.

Personally I think of the Wavelink HS and INT203/202 as counterparts to the Audiophilleo and JKSPDIF Mk3, respectively, at the next level of performance.
In the 6moons' Metrum Hex review, it states the following:

"Adam Mokrzycki organizes the Warsaw Audio Show and also is senior contributor to the Polish Audio magazine. His test of 14 USB bridges netted the following ranking:

Matrix 24/96 - 60
TeleVox 24/96 - 65
Hegel HD2 - 65
Musical Fidelity V-Link II - 75
Halide Design The Bridge - 80
M2Tech HiFace Evo - 80
Stello U3 - 85
M2Tech HiFace Evo + Evo Supply - 90
JK SPDIF Mk3 - 90
Audiophilleo 1 - 95
Empirical Audio OffRamp Turbo 5 - 95
dCS U-Clock - 95
M2Tech HiFace Evo + Evo Supply + Evo Clock - 100
Scarlatti CD/SACD transport - 100

Subsequently he reported that with the new Pure Power battery supply, the Audiophilleo became "one of the best if not the best S/PDIF converter I know. Apart from those I reviewed above I also tried the über-expensive Soulution 590 which was average at best."
