Multi channel much better than stereo?

If done correctly (ie. using the right pre-amp, speakers ),properly set up, multi channel sound completely blows away any stereo sound out there. Anyone that has "Good" audio experience would have to agree. If you don't agree...well, YOUR WRONG. It's ok to be wrong, alot of people "Think" they have alot of audio experience, but they really don't. Any comments ?
Sedond and fpeel have a valid point. And Urban also with the IMO remark(he is right, cause I'm writting this so it is my IMO). You can have your cake and eat it to. By setting up your ht to be 2channel, hence 2 system, being the reason for the by-pass loops that doug mentioned. Not to offend you Urban(which I don't need to say, because my remark may have that affect as offending you but hopeful not; like you said were hear to learn from each other). The ht processor will give you great ht enjoyment and okay music, but by using a preamp with a by-pass loop you get 2 systems in one. A good preamp solid or tube(I prefer tube) gives you great 2ch audio. You get depth, soundstage, clean, clear, dimentional music that a ht processor just can't do. I don't think they make a ht processor that can bring 2ch alive, like the musicans are right in the room with you. A good 2ch and I will say it; preamp tube will just blow the hole multi away. You just have to find one that gives surenegy to those speakers. And the right amp to match with the pre. So the price of a good pre will acomplish this. In 2ch, cause the system is so well balanced, room (which you will be having soon; you said you were building one) room very important and much over looked. Give the speakers room to breath(nothing behind them, check out the website for room setup. With all this setup correctly you 2ch should sound like its playing in surround. So with that said, let 2ch pre's and ht processors do what they are ment to do. If your 2ch pre doesn't do better than your ht proc, than you need to search for that magical pre that will. Good luck Pete
Pcc question? I don't understand, why do I need another pre-amp ? I have read so many reviews that stated, refering to my AVP, that in order to get a better pre-amp for "Stereo" I would need to spend upwards of $15,000. That was the main reason for purchasing the AVP. Maybe I am mis-understanding. Today I sat down for some critical listening, trying to see your point of views, I could never keep track of whether or not I was in 2ch or 5 ch. In two ch. you swear the rears and center are on. If you separate those front speakers by more than 6' it sounds just alittle better in 5 ch. (I always keep the speakers away from back wall, critical with ML's and most speakers.) Listened to Roy Orbison today and could help but thinking wow his new DVD would make all the "Stereo folks" go crazy. The sound on this DVD is astounding !!! I did not feel like I was in the audience, I felt like I was on stage !!! Un-believable !!! I sure wish the non-believers could hear what I'm hearing.
Urban your killing me. First of all your not playing in the band, so get the hell off the stage and have a seat with the rest of us in the audience. Stop believing what you read. That's how I learned for myself. For example there's a place I went to that carries all Martin Logan speaker and yes they even have the statements there. So I go to this place thinking hell these guys got to have the right equipement here for the Martin's (they did carry every speaker of Martin's). But when I listened I was very disappointed. My soga continued, cause I was on a quest to make the martins do what I knew they could do. And for me it was bat gear. Now you can sit in your room and be convinced that you've reached the limit of your system, which is a good idea and less expensive. Or when you get bored you can go out and auditions some stuff at home. Reviews are just a guideline, but the true test is your own ears.
Explain in alittle more detail your system for me, Id be real interested to hear what you have done. I know it is impossible to reach my limit because there isn't one. One of the big improvements I can make is in building the right room. I have already built one room, so I have learned some things. My last room was pretty good but it had "room" for improvements. Just so you don't think (As the Tireguy put it) I'm a "clown", my last home theater was used as a "Reference system" for a speaker manufacturer in our area. They would bring over dozens of new speakers so I could evaluate them ( Took lots of measurements)and in some case's help them with the design, wiring etc.,infact; on one occasion I had a well respected audio critic, whom I'm sure you have read much of his stuff in magazines, doing some "On sight" reviews for this speaker company in my theater/audio room. I say this not to brag, but I just don't want you thinking I'm someone with a new $799.00 Yamaha reciever who heard a "Hall/church/jazz club surround" for the 1st time and said, "Hey this is the future of music!!!" One other thing, I do listen to critic's because they do have more experience than me, I have a job/family that have nothing to do with audio, so it is impossible to have heard as much equip. as they have.
Thanks Pcc,
BTW: Tireguy; my system will blow yours so far out of the water, that it would make your head spin!!!! So don't call me a clown !!! The installer, who set up Gov. Tommy Thompsons system said mine was better and the nicest he had seen in this area (State). (Tommy had a nice system $$$$$)
So Tireguy, what experience do you have, who knows, maybe you have enough experience to be able to call me a clown, but you have not proved it here.
Here it is Urban.

Lexicon DC-1
Bat vk200
Martin Logan Aerius i
Interconnect RCA to Bal analyst plus(dc1 to vk200)
NHT sw2pi sub(works great on music and ht, but always
looking for better/thinking of going with 2
vmps or 2 genesis 928)
Martin Logan Cinema center
Pioneer elite DV F07
B&K amp for rear and center channels
All transparent cables thru out/yes aerius biwired

I've listened to the system in surround with the hell freezes over dvd and also in 2 channel. yes the surround sounds great, but the 2 channel kills it. I will be adding a Bat vk30 pre amp (tube). I have auditioned the bat 3i preamp(tubed) at home in the system listed above and I'm here to say that it smokes the surround and the 2 channel I get from the DC-1. The bat pre's have a by-pass loop so I can use the dc-1 for ht and the bat pre for 2 ch... But I know you like this word "Imo", I think the bat combo on the Martins is a perfect balance and creates the surenergy I've been looking for........................ So try some of these 2ch combo's and don't forget cables also play a role in the whole mess of things....