What is the best sounding DAC at $2000-$4000?

I would like to buy a DAC and I am finding it a bit confusing. I mostly use my computer as my source. I'm looking for a DAC with usb connector, very musical non-digital sounding,and portrays alot of emotion.
In my system and this may only apply to me but after trying 5 different dacs I keep going back to the Auralic ARK MX+. I will tell you straight out some of the other dacs were better in certain areas but I just could not push myself to spend 3 times what I paid for the Auralic to gain small improvements; sorry I am a little cheap that way. The Auralic is breaking in nicely and at $2000 I like how it works with my system.
That's all that matters in the end. Going with what *you* like best is always the smartest move imho. Enjoy the new gear!

Congratulations on finding a good fit! Don't worry about what others think because your musical enjoyment is all that matters.