What's your favorite Apple-based music program?

The J.River Media Center comes highly recommended and was at or near the top of most of TAS's sonic evaluations in their 4-part series about computer-based audio (Dec'11-Mar'12). However, looking over their website and some supporting forums, it appears that it's really a PC-based program. According to what I read on a JRM user forum, JRMC works on a Macintosh if you use Bootstrap to install Windows 7 and run it from there. That runs into a bunch more money and I'm not all that enamored of running the music software in a non-native mode.

OTOH, there's ChannelD's PureMusic. It's $129 vs. JRM's $50, but it's very Mac-friendly.

Any other insights, recommendations, or warnings? I just got an AQ Dragonfly asynchronous USB DAC and want to feed it the best data stream without spending several more hundreds of dollars. I also want to be able to download some 24/96 and 24/88.2 files from HDTracks, so the music-handling s/w has to be comfortable handling FLAC files on a MacBook Pro (OSX Mountain Lion).
Just for reference I am currently using an Oyen Digital 1TB HD connected via FW800 to a MacMini with a WyWires USB cable going to an Audiophilleo AP1 with Pure Power and then using a BNC to RCA adapter to connect directly to my Lessloss DAC bypassing the SPDIF digital cable. I did some upgrades to the MacMini as well.

I have MacMini with Audioquest Diamond USB and Purist Ultimate USB and also use Firewire 800. My FireWire is Audioquest Diamond and generic Oyen digital.

I have Oyen Digital twin bay with Oxford chip set and run two Hitachi Desk Star 4TB drives striped as single 8TB on desktop. I have 6.2TB currently including most of the HD Tracks and lots of CD rips.
Albert, that is quite a bit of space. For me digital has never been my primary media, vinyl and now reel tape are. I know that you have both of those at your disposal as well. I don't think I have come close yet to maxing out my 1TB drive. Probably never will as I am not buying any new CDs. Might download some stuff, but will be judicious about it.

Sorry to hear about the issues with the leading edge. I was listening a bit last night and couldn't hear that in my setup. I am awaiting MC 19 for Mac so we will see how that goes. Will do another round of testing with Audirvana and see if I still prefer MC.
Albert, that is quite a bit of space. For me digital has never been my primary media, vinyl and now reel tape are. I know that you have both of those at your disposal as well.
Yes, I border on being totally anti digital. I want it to work because music exists on CD or download that's not available on LP or tape.
I don't think I have come close yet to maxing out my 1TB drive. Probably never will as I am not buying any new CDs.
The reason for so much space on my rig is there is zero compression. Think of FLAC with meta data but file size like WAV. I also have HD downloads that require more space than ripped CDs.
Sorry to hear about the issues with the leading edge. I was listening a bit last night and couldn't hear that in my setup. I am awaiting MC 19 for Mac so we will see how that goes.
I'm already invested in JRiver and if you look back a year in this thread you can see my excitement about it becoming available in Mac format.

I'm not trying to knock JRiver, I'm just being honest and don't know if this issue is due to interface with Oppo BDP USB input as my primary DAC or software rip or software playback (JRiver).

The fact Raytheprinter mentioned hardness or brightness triggered my response since that was my impression. It could easily be that you do not have this issue. Perhaps your DAC or cables or even the rips you use.

Digital is supposed to be easy but I swear it's more difficult for me than analog. I always get analog to work and sound superb but I've only had digital in my system work near perfect one time. Unfortunately cost caused me to dismiss it.
Thanks Albert,Im looking forward to doing plenty of listening to JRiver next 24 days,heard many good things concerning the Windows version.
Albert, I have uncompressed files and HD hirez files as well. I never had more than a few hundred CDs to begin with so 1TB should last a while. I feel fortunate I have not had to rip CDs from a huge library. I find cleaning records tedious enough as it is.

In general I am happy with Jriver bugs and all. Being in the software business most of my life I am used to bugs and bad UIs. At least Jriver has a nice UI. I suspect the Mac version will never be as good as the PC version though. As I said previously I will move over to a Linux based system eventually and that will require a new software package, although I hear Jriver is working on a Linux solution.