What's your favorite Apple-based music program?

The J.River Media Center comes highly recommended and was at or near the top of most of TAS's sonic evaluations in their 4-part series about computer-based audio (Dec'11-Mar'12). However, looking over their website and some supporting forums, it appears that it's really a PC-based program. According to what I read on a JRM user forum, JRMC works on a Macintosh if you use Bootstrap to install Windows 7 and run it from there. That runs into a bunch more money and I'm not all that enamored of running the music software in a non-native mode.

OTOH, there's ChannelD's PureMusic. It's $129 vs. JRM's $50, but it's very Mac-friendly.

Any other insights, recommendations, or warnings? I just got an AQ Dragonfly asynchronous USB DAC and want to feed it the best data stream without spending several more hundreds of dollars. I also want to be able to download some 24/96 and 24/88.2 files from HDTracks, so the music-handling s/w has to be comfortable handling FLAC files on a MacBook Pro (OSX Mountain Lion).
Albert, I have uncompressed files and HD hirez files as well. I never had more than a few hundred CDs to begin with so 1TB should last a while.

In general I am happy with Jriver bugs and all. Being in the software business most of my life I am used to bugs and bad UIs. At least Jriver has a nice UI. I suspect the Mac version will never be as good as the PC version though.

I have absolutely no gripe about JRiver software, everything they promised it would do, is working on my rig.

Even the iPad application that replaces Apple Remote works perfect. In fact it's superior to the genuine Apple Remote. While listening you can access artist info and technical data by pressing a button.

This does not have to be entered by the user, It's done via internet and avoids searching for the CD jacket for info.

Last, If the Windows version is an absolutely must have, then I'll add a partition to my HD and buy a copy of Windows.

Macs also run Linux so whatever works, but I plan on leaving well enough alone until JRiver updates are complete before final judgement.

My only objection is the high frequencies, perhaps that will be resolved with implementation and coding for the new Boost regular expression engine.
Funny the Jremote app is where I encounter many issues I have had with Jriver. Sometimes the album art is screwed up and sometimes I can't switch songs. A quick Jriver reboot fixes that. I will need to look into the functions you mentioned. Haven't found those yet.
Funny the JRemote app is where I encounter many issues I have had with JRiver. Sometimes the album art is screwed up and sometimes I can't switch songs.

Interesting, my JRiver remote app works well, even better than Apple Remote (now uninstalled).

Apple Remote and Channel D were always crashing or stalling when I switched tracks or else "handshaking" had to be revisited to get it to play.

I HATED having to drag FLAC and WAV into Channel D so iTunes would play it. I choked Channel D a couple of times, dragging too many albums in for tagging at one time. Results were songs and art out of order and sometimes a completely different album would begin playing for no apparent reason.

I think album cover images load faster on JRiver via iPad too. For instance when you open the iPad and press the letter "S' it jumps to that page and all the albums that match load.

With Apple Remote there was a delay, almost as if the program was trying to fill in all the data between "A" and "S" before reaching that page.

I uninstalled Amarra, Channel D and cleaned out iTunes library and preferences before installing JRiver. I have all that backed up on a drive but I don't think I want to go back, unless the brightness thing cannot be resolved.

My 8TB drive is at a friends home for backup. When I get it back I'll go through the features again. I just started exploring this a week ago but spent nearly two years with Amarra and Channel D before JRiver.