Worst Music of All-Time

What is the suckiest, pots and pans clanging together, cat in heat, fingernail scratching on the chalkboard noise you have ever heard? To me it has to be all that MTV promoted, yo-yo-yo, B-boy pop music that seems to consume the airwaves, magazines, and television time. And by all means feel free to bash particular artists, I like that too. Example: You could find more musical talent in the restroom of a trailer park chili feed than on a Puff Daddy album. Not too far off, huh?
Most rap music sucks, too many to mention, M&M "Slim Shady" comes to mind as especially sucky.......Sam Hi my name is, Hi my name is, Hi my name is Slim Shady
Maybe I just don't have enough years in the rearview mirror, but why is BS so famous??? She just PLAIN sucks. An interesting duo would be her and Gonzo "The Great" from the Muppets. Similar look and similar sound, match made in HELL.
BS is so famous because she's the antichrist, and all her fans will soon begin eating the brains of all righteous and true music lovers...so buy a helmet, and pray!