Worst Music of All-Time

What is the suckiest, pots and pans clanging together, cat in heat, fingernail scratching on the chalkboard noise you have ever heard? To me it has to be all that MTV promoted, yo-yo-yo, B-boy pop music that seems to consume the airwaves, magazines, and television time. And by all means feel free to bash particular artists, I like that too. Example: You could find more musical talent in the restroom of a trailer park chili feed than on a Puff Daddy album. Not too far off, huh?
Saw a Rock-u-mentary on Styx last night. Geeez did they do some awful stuff. Lady. Babe. Mr. Roboto. Someone on the film described it as a "parking lot full of whale vomit". I'd be inclined to agree.
Disco. Anything coming from my 12 year old daughter's cd collection. (Damn those hollow doors.) Also see post "Best Heavy Metal Band" for a list. (Music to kill by. We heard lots of that when I was a paratrooper at Ft. Bragg...gets you in the mood for that line of work.) Oh, and I'd like to choke that Immenem SOB, myself.
Well, this could be a VERY long list, since I think almost all of the pop music of the last 15 years is execrably BAD (particularly the hip-hop, rap, techno-funk, mechanical flatulence). However, for the sake of humor, probably the worst and stupidest piece of music ever to make the top 40 was in around 1950 - a little ditty called "Cincinatti Dancing Pig". The name says it all............
I would just like to say the rap situation on mtv has really gone out of control. The thong song?????? What is going on here. Seriously!
right on with the rap comments. this IS one of the biggest social burdens we have ever seem in America. the message this kind of music sends out, as well as the sexually explicit videos corrupts the minds of the youth today. DAMN MTV!! they are so concerned about their profits that they are willing to heavily target the youth of America and exploit their impressionable minds to the point that the youth has lost respect for most adult authority (especially mom and dad), dress like they are borderline pornstars, and have a gerneral all around lack of moral value that this country was built on. Once again DAMN MTV!!! Anyone agree?