Ayre CDX-7eMP or Electrocompaniet EMC-1UP

I currently have the Ayre CDX-7eMP in my system. I have been looking at the Electrocompaniet EMC-1UP. Is this a sideways move?
The rest of my system consists of Aesthetix Calypso pre, Bel Canto 500 REFm mono's and Usher 8571 speakers. Look forward to your opinions.
I would definately go with the Ayre. Not only does it sound good, it goes very well with your Caylpso.
I concur with Teajay. The EMC 1UP is a much more musical and more fluid player than the Ayre. The problem with a lot of people on this site is they've never listened to Electrocompaniet because they don't advertise as much as Ayre and their dealer network is much smaller. If you really spent some time listening to Electro gear you wouldn't even want to listen to Ayre any more. You want to know what the biggest difference is between the two brands? Forget all the audiophile terms like imaging, soundstaging, transients, etc. The difference is I have NEVER heard ANY Ayre gear that sounded NATURAL AND ORGANIC. Conversely, EVERY piece of Electro gear I've ever heard falls within that camp. And in my book that's important!
After reading your original post again, I would offer a different approach if you are thinking of upgrading. All of your components are very good, but I think the biggest improvement in sound quality will come from better component matching, and not just looking at each component by itself. Your CD player and Preamp, not only sound very good, but are similar in design goals. Both are fully balanced, zero feedback components made by designers that aim for similar voicing sonically. Another way to look at it is if Ayre started making tube preamps, I believe that they would be very similar in design and sound to Aesthetix.

Given that, I feel that the best path for you would be to get a new amp and not a CD player. The amp I would pick is an Ayre V5, or something very similar. Doing that will achieve a much better synergy between your amp, pre and and CD player.

If that sounds like something you would be interested in, post back and I'll give you more details.
Thanks everyone for all the info. I have been looking at the Aesthetix Atlas for an amp upgrade. What do you think?