Ayon CD2S vs ModWright XA-5400ES Ultimate Truth

Last year I bought a new Sony XA-5400ES and sent it off for the full Modwright Truth mods. I've been generally happy with it and think it does many, many things well, but I keep reading the Ayon CDP raves and am wondering if anyone has ever compared these two head-to-head. I listen to a big range of music, but am all tube and very much a lover of great midrange. I'm running a pair of the late Paul G's TAD 1000 monoblocks and a Mystere CA preamp. Thanks in advance for any thoughts/insights.
I'd talk to this guy Rhyno.
He has the XA5400 with the modwright tube mods.
He's had alot of CD players which he compared to the 5400 with the modwright tube mods.
Here's the link to his system and the posts.
I had the ModWright, liked it, but sold it and returned to EMM (CDSA w/X upgrade, then XDS1) which have a firmer grip on the lower mids and bass and a je-ne-sais-quoi wonderful natural texture in the mids.
Also, I see no reason to fuss with tubes and heat in the digital realm (I'm a tube fan in the preamp area though.)
Ditto RGS1. I like the Ayon as an all in one (CDP/DAC/tube pre) but it does seem to lose a bit of the speed when partnered with a tube preamp
Thanks for the thread link, Doug99. I'll take a look.

And didn't know of the EMM, Rgs92. I'll have to take a look.
Is the preamp tube as well?

If it's solid state, the Ayon might be a good fit.

I think the XDS1 DAC is more resolving. But the Ayon tube lushness is something to behold.

Another option to look at is the Playback MPS-5. It's very similar to the XDS1 but with the mid bass a bit more pronounced.