Ayon CD2S vs ModWright XA-5400ES Ultimate Truth

Last year I bought a new Sony XA-5400ES and sent it off for the full Modwright Truth mods. I've been generally happy with it and think it does many, many things well, but I keep reading the Ayon CDP raves and am wondering if anyone has ever compared these two head-to-head. I listen to a big range of music, but am all tube and very much a lover of great midrange. I'm running a pair of the late Paul G's TAD 1000 monoblocks and a Mystere CA preamp. Thanks in advance for any thoughts/insights.
Scot - Let me know if you want to sell your ModWright XA-5400ES w/Ultimate Truth mods.
I previously owned the CD2 and now have had my MW 5400 for two years; I'm enjoying music now...
Wig, like your speakers. I don't own a CD player or digital play back anything ,.yet.
I just like to mention a demonstration which involved the Sony ModWright comparing to a much more expensive digital player which I'm not sure the brand name as I type.
The demonstration was some new Symposium products, to make it short I listened to both players and liked both players ,the sony modwright was put on a symposium segue ISO platform with the symposium roller blocks , I could not believe the transformation, then compared again between the two digital players .The Sony cleaned up and I apologize for not remembering the other player however it was much , much more expensive?
I bought a couple of these symposium platforms and a roller blocks that made a difference under my preamp and power supply.
I may just have to look into those platforms, currently using maple hardwoods for my player and power supply...
It would be interesting if anyone has compared the symposium roller blocks to the stillpoints.