Ayon CD2S vs ModWright XA-5400ES Ultimate Truth

Last year I bought a new Sony XA-5400ES and sent it off for the full Modwright Truth mods. I've been generally happy with it and think it does many, many things well, but I keep reading the Ayon CDP raves and am wondering if anyone has ever compared these two head-to-head. I listen to a big range of music, but am all tube and very much a lover of great midrange. I'm running a pair of the late Paul G's TAD 1000 monoblocks and a Mystere CA preamp. Thanks in advance for any thoughts/insights.

With the use of maple hardwoods under my components, do you think I'll need both platforms and roller-blocks? The HD roller-blocks may fit my criteria a little better based on their size.

Hi Wig
Your model of the Sony player improved markedly and was quite the shock how well it did sound after installation of the symposium platform and roller blocks .
I'm going to try the RollerBlock Jr. HDSE under my tube amp and tube CD player.

More to follow...

I look forward to hearing your impressions.... Specifically hoping to hear that they do NOT take away any musical warmth, as most metal footers are to analytical for me. Clarity and detail is not the end game for all.

I've had the RollerBlock Jr. HDSE in my system for a few days and I can't believe what I'm hearing; detail w/o harshness, better separation, better mid-bass, longer decay, immediate/quicker flow of sound, wider/deeper soundstage and man, imaging is MUCH better and just floats between your speakers and is sharper...

They definitely work and are keepers!