Esoteric K-01 and Aurender S10 compatibility

Has anyone found away for an Esoteric K-01 DAC to recieve 192Khz files from an Aurender S10 music server.

I have spoken to Esoteric and they will not be supoorting Linux on the K-01.

The rwo units will connect, but the K-01 will only recieve 44.1Khz from the Aurender, thus defeating the purpose of having the Aurender S10.

The makers of Aurender say they cannot proceed without Esoteric's driver.

Does anyone know of any 3rd party driver that works on the K-01.

Looking forward to any idea's.

Buying another DAC is not an option.



You should use whatever sounds best which may not be the USB vs the 192k from SPDIF.

You just need to connect the Aurender via SPDIF and you should have no problem. You don't need any drivers, and as long as you are running AES you can get 192k on the Esoteric,

I am using a Qsonix and 192k files via spdif aes/ebu sounds fantastic.
I don't see the need to complicate things going USB when the S10 is designed to directly connect via S/PDIF.

Complementarily, you can build or purchase something like a CAPS computer (see the latest four designs at Computer Audiophile) and then have SOTA, battery-powered USB sound plus your Aurender. They are at least as good as or even better sounding than the S10.
I thought CA found USB out from the Aurender to sound better than the AES to a Meitner MA-1? Perhaps there's something to be said about having the DAC handle clock control.

Perhaps that's what the OP is trying to achieve. I do agree that the Aurender was designed primarily for AES so I guess SPDIF should work just as well. The newest model W? is supposed to have a clock input so that might tilt it back in favour of AES/SPDIF with a clock that controls both the DAC and the Aurender.