Tascam DA3000: Analog to Digital Recording

Is the Tascam DA3000 an audiophile product for recording analog to digital format? How do you move the file to a PC for editing/song breaks/labeling songs (what kind of software)?
Al, I don't want to get close to the performers. By setting up the mikes further back, I can also get some of the room sound as well. I guess one would have to practice with setup to get this just right. Thanks Jeff
Crna39, could you comment on the quality of playback from SD or CF cards on Tascam(no outboard DAC) in comparison to your other sources.

Any news regarding experiences with the DA3000? Maybe comparisons to the other Tascam solid state recorder such as HS 2, HS 2000, HS 20?
I purchased the Tascam DA3000. It is very easy to record from vinyl. The sound reproduction is indistinguishable from my analog deck. I am very pleased.
Very interesting comments. I bought one about 6 months ago and have been using it to archive vinyl LPs. I am impressed with the sound and it is difficult to tell the recorded sound from the original when using DSD 2.8 or 5.6 formats. I am now considering some live recording so was interested in the comments on the KM183s. A recorder and mic of this quality deserves a really nice, quiet, low distortion mic-preamp. Any suggestions for a 2 or 4 channel set-up?