USB to I2S that supports DSD

I've looked and looked and can't find an outboard box that converts USB to I2S and supports DSD, or an PC internal sound card that outputs I2S and supports DSD. Maybe I'm just blind, dumb, and deaf.

I just came close to purchasing the Pink Faun I2S bridge, but then realized it doesn't support DSD out, which would mean JRiver needs to step the stream down - rather not do that. PFaun also has a FAQ that dis's the whole dsd format, and then says later versions might support it.

My digital setup is a good quiet PC with USB out to the Wyred DAC2 DSDse. (Yes, I know a dedicated server would be better). I figure it's now time to take advantage of the I2S input to the Dac. But, there doesn't seem to be any solution for this in either an outboard converter (which should be superior by avoiding PC noise) or an internal sound card.

I see the Amanero Technologies card, but it would require me to build a box for it - seems like someone ought to have done this by now. There's the Off-Ramp 5, but like the PFaun, it's limited to 24/192.

Any help out there?
I believe the Audiobyte Hydra-X does this. I have one, which I really like, but I'm not using it currently (my DAC doesn't support DSD on anything but its USB input), but it is not for sale.


I've heard that the USB input is quite good on the W4S. For redbook recordings, I've heard some say that converting USB to I2S (using an Empirical Audio Offramp 5) is no longer needed (might require FEMTO Clock - does yours have one - upgrade cost is $300). You might want to look into that before going to I2S. If you do go to I2S, let us know how it works out.
Off-Ramp 6 when available will support DSD with I2S output, both RJ-45 and HDMI connectors. It is still in debug. No ETA yet.

BTW, I also have network renderer with the same DSD outputs in design.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Yup- that audiobyte hydra x seems like the only one out there right now. Thanks for the tip!! With Empirical on the way, it appears the mfgrs have seen this niche arrive. I'm guessing that going with an outboard converter is the way to go. So then it might mean installing the SOtM USB card and power filter to improve what leaves the pc. Anyone with experience doing this?

Actually getting the femto installed right now- hopefully it makes a difference. And the USB from the w4s dac is good, but it's ckear there's room for improvement.