Marantz sa113 vs esoteric k-07

Hi , has anyone had a chance heard of the Marantz SA-11S3 vs Esoteric K-07 compared how they sound? Which is a better player overall? I am thinking of upgrading my Cary 306/200 . Any advise ? Thanks in advance , I really appreciate your input! I am using Usher mini2 , R1.5 amp in mono and Acoustic Zen double barrel speaker cables, and Absolute IC's.

I suggest to find Marantz SA-1 (used) at basically same price as 11S3 and and be done with digital. For me it is as good as it gets and much better than any digital at any price.

I have done a lots of AB to other digital that are much newer and some where 7X the price of SA-1 but I have not find any better.

Most Esoteric gear is nice sounding but nowhere near the refinement, dynamics and enjoyability that SA-1 can offer.
Hi Plutos, thanks for the response. Very interesting to know that, reason for looking a new cd because my Cary 306/200's cd tray does not go in unless u help lift up a bit and push in softly. Cary said I have a worned out gear but parts discontinued. It still plays well , I'm thinking in the near future to upgrade a different brand CD player. I'm also considering Ayon07, AVM5.2 Thoughts?
Grab a Lexicon Rt-20. Cheap. And buy a good used isolation n conditioning unit - it will always be useful. Good investment.
Thanks for the input Ptss, I honestly not familiar with Lexicon, so I went to check out the reviews and u are right it's got great feedbacks. Is that what you are using now?
Hi Unclechardy, I have no experience with AVM or Ayon but I know that some suggest Ayon gear.
My experience is that you better go used but top model than some new middle model. If course this suggestion is in case when sound matters and you don't worry so much about warranty etc.
It is a myth that digital gear has incredibly involved in past decade. Maybe usb connections and PC audio but it is anyway still inferior to no compromise CDP built by a great designer.