My Analog DAC, Analog Power Base, Dual Transport power base and Universal Media Transport V is here.

Took me 3 hours to install.
playing continuously for about 3 hours.

first 20 minutes bass absent, slowly fleshing out , but not quite there yet.
sounds forward , resolution is excellent,slightly bright tops compared to my Wadia 521/571 .

what was your breakin period experience and how long till it settled?
thank you all.
I was a little anxious but settling with now that the kit is breaking and sounding better after 30 hours.

I am certain 200 hours will do .
TEAC CD3000 easily took 300+ hours for bass to come in. Used the XLO burn in CD during the process.

Schiit Gungnir DAC on the other hand was very rolled off initially...took a while (100+ hrs??) for the highs to come in on that.

I do leave TEAC and Gungnir powered up 24/7.

Good luck, Alfa.
80 hours and sounding great.
sounds like it is 100% done.
wonder if it can get better.
btw the MSB Analog and UMT V transport is wonderful.
detail, transparency, timber,etc etc etc and no harshness.
You ain't heard nothing yet at 80 hrs. The thing about burn-in is that just when you think you are 100% there, then something magical happens at 100 hrs, then 150, then 200 and you keep wondering when the goodies are going to stop coming. They don't stop until they do. You may have to wait and see or hear. I have been caught out many times, albeit in a very pleasant way, with every component from source to speaker that I have ever owned. But I would say 200 hrs is the bare minimum.
Happy waiting and happy listening.
J. :)