My Analog DAC, Analog Power Base, Dual Transport power base and Universal Media Transport V is here.

Took me 3 hours to install.
playing continuously for about 3 hours.

first 20 minutes bass absent, slowly fleshing out , but not quite there yet.
sounds forward , resolution is excellent,slightly bright tops compared to my Wadia 521/571 .

what was your breakin period experience and how long till it settled?
You "break-in" yourself, not the unit. When something does not meet the hopes, expectations but it was expensive, the story of break in pops up. The hope, that the worse turns to good.
A done right unit sounds good right from the start.
Hi Syntax
I honestly heard the changes described.
I am listening at the moment and can clearly hear the difference. I make notes and the sound is definitely nowhere close to the first 20 minutes or the first 40 hours.

If I am unhappy with equipment that does not sound like the demo unit I do not hesitate to return after break in period. I do not need to break myself in.
best wishes.
btw you have a great system
249 hours have passed.
I'm happy.

I conclude that the MSB kit requires at least 180 hours for breaking in and extreme patience.

therafter just enjoy the music.

mission accomplished !