Best Minimalist DAC?

ooking for a very simple, clean, DAC, best possible SQ, without the bells and whistles, to mate with my MACBOOK "server."

I run an integrated (PASS INT30A), so I don't need the preamp or the rest of the "functionality" of my PSA PWD, which I am moving on from.

I have in mind something very straightforward, like the HRT Streamers, but am willing to spend more for SQ, since this is for my main rig.

How much more not yet determined, but let's say a rough ceiling of 2000 USD, with the possibility of going higher for good sonic reason. Happy to spend less, of course. Used is fine.

Capability for latest high-rez formats desirable, though this is not yet a big part of my audio life.

Thanks for your time.

Thanks so much Steve! Even though I don't need the pre, I can definitely offer the full 2k on the SE. Used is OK. Please PM me, and we can set up a deal! :)

I'll be following this thread. Since I'm also on the lookout for a new DAC. My max budget would be around 1500. So no Lampisator for me.

What I want is:
at least 2 inputs, USB and Coax or BNC
high resolution PCM 24/192

What I do not want is
pre amp function
head phone amps
(fancy) remote control
lots of features

aboutt DSD

Righ now the Chord 2Qute, Metrum Octave MK2, Schiit Gungnir seem to be my to contenders

I have an Octave mk I and cannot recommend it high enough. My only source is a very optimized, no-fan/no-motors PC running Win Server 2012 in core mode with Audiophile Optimizer, JRiver, and into an Audiophilleo 2 with PurePower. Two years ago I paid 1k for the Octave and 1k for the AP.

Late last year I was intrigued with all the talk about DSD and purchased the top of the line exaSound e22, at 3.5k, to replace the Octave and AP. The e22 playing DSD fed from same computer but from HQPlayer upconverting 16/44.1 files to DSD sounded as good as my current setup. HQPlayer sounded much better at upconverting than JRiver. So I'm selling the e22.

Bottom line: the Metrum can sound extremely good, but make sure you feed it a very good, clean signal. I know the mk II has USB input, but I remember someone at computeraudiophile saying he tried feeding it from an Audiophilleo vs Metrum USB input and he liked better the AP. Consider buying a used mk I and a used AP with Purepower (this is key!) and you will be within budget and having fantastic sound.

Whew! Turned out to be a longer post than I expected.
Strangely enough, I've not heard from Steve at Empirical.;)

That said, I'm looking for a good price (probably used) on the following :

Ayre QB-9 DSD
Auralic Vega
Lampi Amber
Nad M51
Wyred 2 DSD

Partly this (negotiable) focus is arbitrary -- there's just a ton of good DACs out there like the many mentioned above, and one has to narrow the search somehow. I'm tentatively of the opinion that there is less to chose among competently realized DACs than between some other components.

I realize that not all of these are "minimalist"; not ideal for me, but if I hit the desired pricepoint, I can live with "excess" features.

Anyway, opinions on the above five very welcome.
