Lampizator question

Why so much Lampizator gears for sale those years ???
Huh? Gotta say that last post doesn't make a lot of sense to me. What is the big issue there? That they have a lot of models and offer customers multiple customization options? Sounds like a good thing to me. They should be concerned with keeping their customers happy, and I hear very few negative comments from customers. As best I can tell, Lampi keeps a pretty good resale value.
Big7 $13000 DAC and now can buy in high 6's... If it you got the money then why not..
Wow, Fsmith, you really are misguided,

The Big7 was $11k full retail, and the $6K you speak of was for the 2 boxL7, less than $9K retail. They are NOT the same! 2nd hand B7s are usually around $8K.

Lampi does not force ANYONE TO upgrade and many are satisfied with their 3 year old Level 3 Dacs. Lukasz does not make new models for money, hell it causes some amounts of complaints. He does it out of a passion to improve his creations. He cant help himself from tinkering.

Greedy??? Hahahaha that is funny, as I have met him 3 times now and have been to Warsaw.He is far from making a fortune from this endeavor.

He does not have to offer $150 psi upgrades as they are build waaay over specced in the first place. Courier costs is more than that in any case.

Just enjoy the music and dont succumb to nervosa. Bricasti should sound good, but not sure it can touch the Big 7, or even a maxxed out my ears.

I’m glad you’ve grown to love your Briscati and am sorry we were unable to take it in on trade for a Big 7 when you contacted me on February 24, 2015... I think what you’ve said about our organization is unfair, ill informed and unnecessarily malicious.

You haven’t heard more criticism from the loyal lampi owners because we bust our butts to support them long after their purchase is made. As I write this reply, I am awaiting delivery of a Level 2 DAC which was built in 2010 for significant updates at a price that has its loyal owner tickled pink!

It is true we have multiple levels at multiple price points, but isn't this normal for an audio company? This is common practice in most markets be it automobiles, clothing, software–whatever. Unlike other markets though, we go out of our way to make sure customers remain supported and updates are performed at affordable, sometimes even subsidized, prices to please our loyal customer base.

Good luck in your endeavors,

Fred A.
LampizatOr North America

P.S The base price of the Big 7 is $10,500 not $13,000.