Room correction - what device works best?

Looking at room correction and all the threads I found seem old. What are the current options for excellent 2 channel sound. Comments on DSpeaker, Lyndorf, DEQX, Audessy, Rives and others welcome. I have option for using in digital domain or putting between pre and amps. Would of course prefer great sound at lower price. Also prefer something that does not take a year of obsessive fiddling to get right. Have a very large family room, so room treatment options limited. Current system is Ayon Cd5s (transport, DAC and pre combined), Nuforce Ref 20 mono amps and Von Schweikert VR55 speakers. Is most of the bang for buck in correcting for room modes or is speaker phase issues also necessary? Eventually in may have subs but not now.
ZD, with respect to frequency response equalizations that may be introduced in the speaker calibration process the answer to your good question is certainly yes. I believe the same holds true for equalizations that are introduced in the room correction process, or subsequently by the user, but I can't say that with certainty. Perhaps one of the experienced DEQX users will chime in and confirm that.

Best regards,
-- Al
Gammajo: Let me clarify, avoid Auddyssey.

Vandersteen summed up my views quite well after that disaster. See
I just want to thank everyone for making this thread intelligent, informative, encouraging and respectful. I had begun to fade my time on A'gon after too many uninformed opinions delivered with vitriol on too many threads. I am learning something here where the passion for excellent sound is trumping egos.