Potential seller's strange policy

Is it normal when a potential seller requires that I make a PayPal payment for the item, then, when he receives the payment, he will pack the item, calculate the shipping cost and issue another invoice for shipment?

In such a case, I would have to pay a PayPal fee twice, and I am not sure what form of shipment he may choose, though I informed him of my preferred form of shipment.

I feel uncertain - usually, the shipping cost and the form of shipment are agreed upon in advance and paid once.

Any comments?
Some people make this whole thing much more complicated than it needs to be. I'd ignore this one.
One thing not mentioned here is that the fees he has charged you are *his* to pay, not yours. If he didn't bother to figure the fees into the selling price that's his problem. PayPal and eBay explicitly state that the buyer is not to be assessed the fees and yet I see it all the time. It's time the buyers started telling the sellers to go pound sand...

Run for the hills!
If it's this complicated now, imagine what will happen when he doubles the shipping cost to you and already has your other money-you will be screwed. Worse yet, imagine how tough it will be to get any satisfaction if there is a problem with the piece. RUN FOREST, RUN...
"PayPal and eBay explicitly state that the buyer is not to be assessed the fees and yet I see it all the time. It's time the buyers started telling the sellers to go pound sand..."

That's because PayPal and eBay are the same company. They've always had that policy, but they can only enforce it on eBay. Unless something has changed, PayPal can't stop you from collecting the fee from a buyer on other sites. If a seller on AG charges a PayPal fee, they aren't breaking any rules.
What country is the seller from? I see that your country is Russia which (no offense intended toward you whatsoever, only the potential seller) barely beats out Nigeria as far as potential transactional issues are concerned. There is always another seller, be patient.