Potential seller's strange policy

Is it normal when a potential seller requires that I make a PayPal payment for the item, then, when he receives the payment, he will pack the item, calculate the shipping cost and issue another invoice for shipment?

In such a case, I would have to pay a PayPal fee twice, and I am not sure what form of shipment he may choose, though I informed him of my preferred form of shipment.

I feel uncertain - usually, the shipping cost and the form of shipment are agreed upon in advance and paid once.

Any comments?
I should have mentioned this before, but I have seen many times, where a seller is trying to do the right thing with a policy like this. When a seller charges a flat rate for shipping and fees, they often get accused with trying to make a profit on them. And for the most part its true. Most sellers add a little extra to make sure they're covered no matter what happens. I haven't sold anything in quite a while, but I'm no exception. None of us wants to loose money when we sell something. But my point is, some sellers want to be completely honest and only charge actual fees. Not a penny more or less. I'm not saying that's the case here. I'm just presenting a different view. For all I know, the seller could very well be dishonest.
I see nothing wrong with the seller asking for a separate
payment/invoice for shipping if it's going to be the actual
shipping charges. I wish that I had thought of it in the
past. I've been killed on shipping several times on items
that I've sold. But, if I thought it would help the item
sell faster, I'd just go with the flat/estimated shipping
rate and eat the difference.

If this was an item that I just HAVE to have, I'd just pay
the extra fees to obtain the item. I wouldn't waste time
haggling over shipping if the estimate was anywhere near

While I have sold items overseas they were small and I have never had a problem. They were all sent by USPS.

Larger items can get much more complicated and shipping can get into hundreds of dollars so I understand the sellers system in this case because shipping cost can't be figured in advance.

Personally I would just forgo foreign sales entirely to avoid the potential nightmares and headaches, customs being one of them.
Last two comments are spot on with overseas sales. The seller is being smart.
Shipping and paypal fees are nothing if your item happens to get caught up in customs. Anyone every try shipping something to and from Canada? lol. Your package just disappears for a couple of months, and reappears with a bunch of orange stickers all over it holding what used to be the box together. And your audio components is now a kit that requires assembly.