SME III Tonearm: Classic or Dinosaur?

At 14, I killed myself delivering papers and mowing lawns to buy my first Hafler amps and Magneplanar MG-1b's and I lucked into a deal on an SME III tonearm on a Kenwood KD-500 with a Grado Signature cartridge. I thought the SME was the most exotic piece of gear in the world with its fluid dampening system and pulley mounted anti skating (?) device, and with fond memories was very excited to see one for sale recently. Does anyone know how this arm might compare with tonearms of today, especially the newer SME's? Could this work reasonably well or am I just being sentimental?
I purchased this SME Arm 20 years ago and used it with my then truntable Thorens TD126 .It served flawlessly for nearly 10 years before I changed my playback system for the Well Temper Turntable (I am now using the integral turntable Foresell Reference). If my memory serves me correctly, the SME Arm had a midrange purity and vividness that was completely a class by itself - even by today's standard, hard to surpass. This Arm is a Classic, not a Dinosaur.
The SME III is a Classic not a Dino!
I had this arm many years ago , kinda more than a decade (10 years) and I enjoied it with a Shure V15 IV.
A great Arm choice nowaday too , but good only with MM cartridges due to its low mass.
Ditto, above, regarding cartridge mass. Very fond memories of the arm on a TD 126 + Grado (yes, me too!).

You can add mass to the SME III to get the frequency resonance to it's optimum. This way you can adjust the system frequncy resonance regardless of mm or mc. This is an awesome arm! If you have the chance to put it in your system... go for it! Parts supply is deminishing from SME for the series III. Soooo, be advised.
How you increase the SME 3009 mass.I would like to do it too.Gabe to Joysjane