Record-playing Rituals?

I'm curious what everybody's riuals are when listening to albums. How often do you clean the records? Every Time? How often do you clean and lubricate the stylus? Every time?

Frap, you are quite right: Also my concoction leaves a certain sound signature....only I like it...hence no afterward rinsing. Besides, when I still used to rinse, I must have done something wrong, because even three times destilled H2O caused the record to crackle and pop more than it had in an unrinsed state. Could never explain that, so I gave up that part of my usual ritual cleansing. Regards,
I'm with Albert, Record Research is the best, and I've tried them all. I especially like the LP#9 stylus cleaner, what a difference it makes.
Good thread and I several neat things. I have to laugh at myself (and us) as I read the comments because this dance we do produces the great results "we" are looking for, but it quite funny actually as obsessive behavior. I'll add to this theme by admitting my VPI 17F reservoir only tastes distilled water and never any cleaning liquids. Yuck! I didn't like the idea of what cleaning fluids might leave behind in the tank. So I have to I squirt on the cleaning fluids with a hand held applicator even though I have this record cleaner. My wife just shakes her head. I do use post-its on each record's rice paper sleeve to jot down last cleaning date, number of times played, how I like the music/performance, and VTA + with anti-skate. Somehow, I hear anti-skate change effects when I do large VTA moves. Do you? Albert's computer generated labeling sounds very appealing as here on my PC, but then using the post-it seems so easy and just manual enough to be vinyl friendly. I really relate everybody routine here especially with the hip based move for flicking the record dust off the record brush and blowing compressed air into the record sleeve seeming to be important transition points for the very next move in the routine. Yikes, I've always found that the little bow job on the record sleeve has a certain emotional satisfaction just before sliding my vinyl treasure in its home. I'll finish by saying, "it's really about the music".
It's nice to hear that someone else also jots down VTA info for each record. Different records, different weights, and different profiles all determine where "proper" VTA is. And yes, many of us do know the difference, thanks for bringing it up. I'd hate to really get into my whole cleaning regimen, many would consider me overly anal.
This is a great thread!! Albert, that procedure is facinating. When I used Last preservative,years ago, I felt that it rolled the treble a bit, so I stopped (Stylast did the same thing) . Is that why you use Image Restorer as your final step? Does it maintain the positive LAST solution effect while restoring the treble and give you the transparency of the distilled water rinse?
The cover cleaning comments were real helpful, cant wait to try them. I wont tell you how I did it, but the name WINDEX and PLEDGE were associated on laquered covers. Dont shoot me, its the best I could think of.
Detlof , if you heard more noise, its possible that you dryed the record too much with too many revolutions. I like to dry the surface to the point of, still slightly damp. Of course, you may already know this.
Rcres, I also used to realign VTA with different thicknesses when I used the FR-64s Tonearm with the Incredible B-60 stabilizer. The knurled knob adjuster during play, should be required on all tonearms. Of course the Linn strategy that the pillar must be locked (white knucles)tight, is a philosophy taken by many tonearm designers, and one that I dont really agree with. The VTA adjustment issue was more important that that, in my opinion......Frank