Record-playing Rituals?

I'm curious what everybody's riuals are when listening to albums. How often do you clean the records? Every Time? How often do you clean and lubricate the stylus? Every time?

Steveline is right. I used to manage a store that sold Linn and that was the first time I saw the putty. But not being a Linnie I would not do anything a Linnie would do. I'm coming out now and saying I am anti-linnetik (there goes my rating). I will admit that after looking at cartridges under the scope, those that were puttied were cleaner. Maybe some of you could feel my pain...a tube lover in Linn land. Nothing gave me more satisfaction then converting a Linnster over to tubes. Someday I'll start a thread about Linn....a view from the inside. It will be a shocking, disturbing expose.
Oh heck, those typos. I have to wait, not to war, ain't a freebootin' poirate, Oi ain't , rahter just patiently waiting. Longplate....I suppose all views from the inside of what will you, are probably disillusioning. I'm a linnetik-heretic too, though I think Tiefenbrun was the first to show, that turntables matter, wasn't he?
Linn doesn't believe in cleaning the stylus, rega doesn't even believe in cleaning the records. I use a stylus cleaner, but not a stylus preservative. Mr Shagano says it's a no-no. Any good stylus cleaner should completely evaporate before you play a record.
Detlof, I think Igor really brought it to everybodys attention with some Barnum % Baileyesqe promoting.But the first LP12 was little more then a refined AR. Realize at one time I had a full blown LP12..Ekos,lingo, but could never warm up to their cartridges. I got rid of the table..won't mention what I'm using now, not being flame proof.What's that Canadian guys name?...there was just a thread about his website. Anyway, he said the LP12 was the most overated product in the history of hifidum. In a post a couple months ago I said Linn was second to only Bose in marketing...I stand by that.
No I'm not kidding about the Putty. It really works! I've used it for years and will continue to do so.

For deep cleaning you can put a pea size on the platter and lower the arm/stylus onto it to sit for a minute.

Linn used to reccomend a super fine plastic emery type "paper". It was made of plastic and came in sheets.

The theory is that the gunk that builds on the stylus is hard to get off and won't come off with the super huge fibers of a brush.