$800 Cartridge Shootout and Upgrade Path

I am putting together an analog system, starting with the cartridge. I like a well-balanced sound with a slightly lush midrange and excellent extension at the frequency extremes. The cartridge should be a reasonably good tracker. Here are my choices:

1. Dynavector Karat 17D MkII
2. Shelter 501
3. Sumiko Black Bird
4. Grado Statement Master
5. Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood

Which one comes closest to my wish list? Which one would you choose?

Here are the upgrade cartridges to the above list, one of which would be purchased later:

1. Shelter 901
2. Benz Micro L2
3. Grado Statement Reference
4. Koetsu Black

Which one comes closest to my wish list? Which one would you choose?

Now, which turntable/tonearm combination (for new equipment up to $4,500) would you choose to handle a cartridge from the first group and the upgrade cartridge from the second group?

Any help you can provide is greatly welcomed. Thanks!
Artar, when you get deep into turntable, tonearm, and cartridge design, there are many things that don't meet the eye. This is the job of the designer and manufacturer to make the best that they can at the price points they intend to sell the items at. It is very difficult for every analog user to fully understand all of the intricacies of analog systems. And it is not necessary for an analog user to understand all of it.

It ultimately depends on the musical reproduction that results. Since we already know that there is no perfect system, we strive to find what serves us best, musically. Different people may have various ideas about this.

I provided some information that I have learned over the years. There is even a whole lot more beyond these things that we have discussed here.

Even these few things have caused some significant differences of opinion here. It is good to get some of these ideas out on the discussion table, so that it can be of use to people willing to learn. In the end, each person makes their decision based on what they know, and what they want. As long as you are happy with the result, and the budget was within your capability, then it is a good result.

I have certain tastes and needs for my music system. The items I selected provide what I wanted, at my budget. I do not intend to say that my selections are by any means the only good selections. There are many ways. Long term experience with listening to different items is the best way to learn. Anytime you listen to advice from anyone, including me, there are going to be certain biases present, based upon what the advisor prefers. This is only natural, and has to be taken into account. I recommend getting as much personal experience as possible, so that you don't need to "lean on" anyone else for opinions which might not match your own needs. I realize that there are a number of folks here on the forum who made their buying decisions based upon what I recommended. This weighs heavily on me, because I feel personally responsible somewhat, for their happiness with their analog system. I cannot guarantee that they will like my selections as much as I do. However, so far, it has worked out pretty good, because I haven't gotten anyone angry at me yet for a bad recommendation. But it could happen. I do know that they won't go too far wrong with items I recommend, but it may happen that they prefer another item better, and I cannot control that. All I can say that if you have a similar taste and need as I have, then the items I recommend will work well together to give you that result. If everyone liked the same thing, then there would be only one TT, one arm, and one cartridge for sale. The fact that there are many, shows that there are different tastes, needs, and budgets, and different ideas of how things should work. This is part of the fun.
Dear Artar1: First I write " around $5K ". Second: I own the Moerch Dp6 ( one of my 12+ tonearms ) and already hear the UP4 in my system. Third: I hear all those cartridges ( six of them in my system. I own 20+ cartridges )here we have to include ( I forgot. Big mistake ) the Denon DLS1 for $ 1,200.00. Fourth, I know very well five of those TT because I tested on my system.
Now, I put both tonearms because any one can choose in a different price level: UP4: 850.00 against DP6: 1,300.00 ( standard headshell. It works great. No problem ).
Why so many alternatives/combinations? ( and as you know, there are more ones ): first because the budget, $5k/$6k and second because our musical bias/differents audio systems/differents rooms.
Now if I have to blend these items for one or two differents analog rigs, here it is:

Sumiko Celebration....: $ 1,500.00 Denon DLS1..$1,200.00
Moerch DP6............. 1,300.00 Moerch DP6.. 1,300.00
Acoustic Sig.Final Tool 2,400.00 Final Tool...2,400.00

Total: $ 5,200.00 $ 4,900.00

These two cartridges ( in this analog system ), the Transfiguration Spirit Mk3 and the Allaerts MC1ECO, beats the Shelter 501MK2 and the 901 ( I own both along with the 90X ). The Dynavector and the Van den Hul are very near of them.
Any of the TT's are a great performers, if you ask me that I choose another , I will be happy ( too ) with the Transrotor.

Artar1: I don't support to any manufacturer, like you already told me about Acoustic Signature, I support always to the Music.
If you go to the AS web site: www.acoustic-signature.com, you can learn about these TT's, for example their bearing is a dry one: no oil bearing ( very interesting ), the platter of the Final Tool has a weight of 11 kg and they use not a belt drive on it but only a simple thread, and the motor, power supply and facilities, put right on the top. Try it, at that price it is a great bargain and very hard to beat ( I think almost imposible. ) for less than 10,000.00 TT price range ( other than AS Mambo/Analogue One MK2 ).

BTW, and this for other thread. Right now any one can buy great cartridges/tonearms/TT on the Audiogon clasiffieds, examples:

Benz micro Ruby2 for: 1,300.00 ( one of my favorite cartridges ).
Ortofon Jubillee ( new ), only: 800.00
Spirit MK3 ( new ): 1,050.00
Van den Hul ONE Special: 700.00
Van den Hul Colibri ( a bargain ): 1,800.00


Naim Aro: 1,300.00
Wilson benesch Act One: 1,200.00
Micro Seiki Max 237: 1,500.00
Ikeda IT-407: 1,800.

Any of these tonearms beats your OL choice and many of the tonearms that have the people in this thread. Yes, they are second hand, but for a very small fraccion of their prices you can be on the top.. My experience tell me that there is no problem with that or at least I have luck in many ocassions.

Regards and always enjoy the music.

I think what's going to happen between these tables is going to come down to value. I have a feeling that I am going to end up owning a Teres when all is said and done. The Galibier is pushing the price envelope and while I am looking to get a package deal with the same arm I think that it's likely that the performance will be so close that the extra $$$ of the Galibier will push me into the Teres. But who knows, I could be blown away.
I am extremely torn about the aesthetics of these two tables though. The Galibier was my initial preference but there is something a little more natural about the Teres tables. Luckily I'll have to let the value vs performance angle make that decision for me.
I got into an argument with my brother today because his dream table is a Linn and while I think they are fine tables I have never heard one sound as good as a lot of other tables I have heard. That I don't even consider the Linn put him off. I think that he's got Stereophile Stars in his eyes and tends to take too much of what they say for "truth". I have nothing against what they publish (though I do think they make some major gaffes) but I think that there is a larger data set to collect from forums such as this and the 'asylum. My brother has not heard many tables so his view is more magazine dependent.
As we all know, it's dependent on so many system factors and preferences. I've done a lot of research and have made my choices and will be making my next steps soon. Perhaps I should go make that airline reservation now......
I recently got the reissue of Janos Starker playing Bach's Cello Suites and get all gooey thinking of what those will sound like on a world class table. Yow!
All in all I look forward to rediscovering a lot of records when I finally make the purchase.......

Hey Letch,

When you see and hear both the Galibier and the Teres, you will know quickly which one is for you. Don’t let money alone be the deciding factor; let your heart and your desires guide your final choice. Only then will you be able to live with your decision for years to come, years filled with the sweet melody of vinyl or its driving, pulsating force that will fill your being with gladness.

You can tell your brother that Linns are nice, but show him what I lust after:


If he doesn't like that turntable, then try this one:


Or if this doesn't please him, then he can always try this Transrotor TT:


Now; I ask you; would you buy a Linn after seeing one of these beauties?



How audio designers achieve their works of art is a mystery to me. I would love to know how various materials affect the sound; how one circuit carefully chosen over another makes for greater depth and harmonic richness; and how a DC motor can be made to rotate a heavy platter at a nearly constant speed. The good designers know, but they are extremely reluctant to explain their art in detail for fear of plagiarism.

All too often we see many components that simply copy the ideas of others. They may look different, but they are really “me-too” products. The Teres and Galibier are genuine and individualistic, as are those turntables from such companies as Michell, Transrotor, La Luce, Kuzma, and a few others. Then there are the copycats, products that are being introduced into the marketplace at present in an attempt to capitalize on the resurgent interest in vinyl. One, however, can always tell the truly ingenious design by its attention to detail, solid build, commonsense operation, and pleasing aesthetics, not to mention sound quality, which is always first rate.

>>I provided some information that I have learned over the years. There is even a whole lot more beyond these things that we have discussed here.<<

What serves us best is what pleases us most if we are thinking and acting independently. All too often audiophiles choose what is popular or what is currently fashionable in the audio press. While printed and online publications have their value, they do not choose for me, nor do the opinions of others on this, or any bulletin board, serve as my final position on any subject. But then again it’s always nice to be influenced by people who really know what they are talking about.

I speak for myself when I say that I am grateful for your very generous sharing of knowledge. I have certainly learned a lot in a very short period of time. What I find even more useful is how you are able to keep a relatively open, objective mind even when someone suggests something that may not fit your personal preference or experience. You never seem to lose your professionalism under these circumstances, which does, indeed, highlight your years of experience and your wisdom, which you have so kindly shared here.

>>Even these few things have caused some significant differences of opinion here. It is good to get some of these ideas out on the discussion table, so that it can be of use to people willing to learn.<<

I have read nothing so far that I feel countermands what you have presented. If anything, the contrary opinions that have been made to date have only served to reinforce your assertions, not detract from them. So you can feel secure in your contributions. They have been very helpful, at least to me, and I am sure to others as well.

>>I do not intend to say that my selections are by any means the only good selections. There are many ways. Long term experience with listening to different items is the best way to learn. Anytime you listen to advice from anyone, including me, there are going to be certain biases present, based upon what the advisor prefers. This is only natural, and has to be taken into account.<<

To be human is to be biased. Naturally, we tend to recommend that what we like and know. But, I have read all of your posts here and a few elsewhere, and I am convinced that sometimes you have been able to transcend your own frame of reference in making a recommendation that seemed to serve the needs of the recipient without any ulterior motive on your part or any apparent antecedent predilection.

>> I recommend getting as much personal experience as possible, so that you don't need to "lean on" anyone else for opinions which might not match your own needs. I realize that there are a number of folks here on the forum that made their buying decisions based upon what I recommended. This weighs heavily on me, because I feel personally responsible somewhat, for their happiness with their analog system. I cannot guarantee that they will like my selections as much as I do.<<

You needn’t worry in my case. One of the major laws of interpersonal-relational psychology is that we cannot be responsible for the happiness of others, but we are responsible for our own well-being. If we are happy and centered, then we are best able to encourage, engage, and evoke the vitality of others. Following suggestions or recommendations as if they were a recipe for wholeness, individuation, and transformation is usually a mistake, for these things can only be achieved through direct experience and hard work. That is especially true when it comes to choosing an analog front end. However, by providing your personal experience in relationship to analog you have made it possible for us to learn and grow vicariously without removing any of the fun of self-discovery.