ARC Reference Phono vs. BAT VK-P10 SE

Any experience/comparative data re: the ARC Reference Phono vs. the BAT VK-P10 or the VK-P10 SE ("special edition" upgrade)? Thanks!
Go for the ARC reference. It's an incredible piece of equipment. Wish I had one myself.
OK, if you're only listening to vinyl, sell the Arc preamp. I had it as well as the Arc phono stage. You're much better off running the Manley direct into the amps.
Gladstone, but I'm NOT only listening to vinyl... have a full dcs setup for digital and have no interest in giving up the ARC preamp. Obviously, you love the Manley, and that's great, but it's not under my consideration...only the two components (three if you consider the BAT "SE" upgrade)I've asked about. If you don't like either, that's OK, too, and is noted.
I'm not trying to proselytize on behalf of the Manley, and I suspect your easiest path would be to upgrade the BAT. I've simply found running both CD player and phono stage directly into the amp to be far superior to the (in my view) excellent but still flawed ARC equipment.
Gladstone: Are you sugesting that the Manley gear has no "Flaws"?. The ARC REF phono and preamp are excellent performers. Of course, results will vary depending on personal preference and the associated equipment and room.