Linear tracking arms

Forgive my question,I am not an analog expert.If properly designed linear tracking arm is better why should we put up with lesser design? Or they are not compatible with most turntables and cartridges? Or difficult to make work?
Will you educate me on the subject.
I totally concur the T3Pro is one of the best buys in Audio, I have owned, Signet, Rega, Rega modded, Vpi, and now the T3 I bought the original and have upgraded when Vic comes out with them, I have never had any ubusual cartridge wear, it is easy to set up and use and sounds just amazing, no coloration at all!
A third vote for the Trans Fi Audio Terminator T3Pro. I've been running it on Vic's Salvation direct rim drive tt for 6 months now. Absolutely amazing, the biggest bang for your buck in analogue, IMHO.
It HAS to be set up optimally, esp. wrt being perfectly level, and your support really needs to isolate it from vibration (wall shelf best, although I'm getting excellent results with a Symposium Acoustics Isis Ultra stand).
This is not too difficult to achieve, and you'll be rewarded by the most neutral, uncoloured and transparent sound. I had been running a Michell Orbe with SME V, and was ready to drop some serious $s on an SME 30 with V-12 arm, or TW Acustic AC3 with Graham/Triplanar, but went with the Salvation/Terminator, and don't regret a moment of it.
The most facinating thing about the Terminator is that it totally defies your anxieties/expectations: once set up correctly, it stays true and in full adjustment, and becomes totally intuitive in everyday use. Tracking is the best - so often I'll get to the end of the last track of an lp, and the sound is so consistent that end of side distortion is almost totally eliminated. Bass appears to be lacking initially, but this is just the arm eliminating unwanted resonances. As a result, the lower registers start and stop on a dime giving music a really agile quality that my SME could never do. This in turn enables the mids to projest more prominently, and so allowing the upper frequencies to soar unhindered. The sound both floats and is more secure, simultaneously.
The tt adds further to this mix, but that's another discussion, although I can say the synergy is amazing.
The only caveats as I say are the need for optimal installation - level, isolated from external vibration. Additionally, there is a certain fiddle factor in running a pump and air hose, but again these can be managed. The pump makes a low hum but as long as it's far from you with some soundproofing can be lived with. Or the pump can be hidden in an adjacent room.
A total giant killer, beyond highly recommended. Check out my further thoughts on the thread entitled 'Trans Fi Audio Salvation direct rim drive tt'. Hope this helps.
Another vote here for the Terminator T3. Consistently runs rings rings around tonearms costing much, much more! I keep thinking I'll by another one for my big rig. No issues once set up. Adjustable for all the necessary parameters as well as VTA on the fly. Vic is a genius!