How often do you have to tuneup Linn Sondek LP12

Hi, I'm thinking of buying an Linn turntable but was wondering how often do you have tune the subchassis? I have a Rega 25, would moving to the Linn be an upgrade? Would be grateful for any input. Thanks! duckboy
Part of it depends on the age. The bad reputation that the LP12 has dates to the early days, when the suspension went out of tune every other day--or so legend has it. Over the years, suspension parts have gotten better, and the tuning can be held for years. (Of course, this doesn't stop some dealers from suggesting a $50 tuneup every six months.)
I agree with Jc2000 regarding on the age factor. Any LP12's before 1985 may require more tuning often. I own a Linn Sondek LP12 from 1988 that has the Lingo,Ekos Tone Arm & Arkiv Cartridge,that was installed in 1990.It still sounds great. I've compared it with an Oracle Delphi Mkll I also own, that has a Alphason 100S Tone Arm & Micro Benz M2 Cartridge. The Oracle has a tadd more inner detail, but the Linn has a much more warmer and richer live sound. I've worked & still do projects with my partner Marc Ellis, who composed the film scores/Master Of Disguise/Anchor Man & more who's father was Ray Ellis/Lady in Satin, Billie Holiday,Johnny Mathis & more.That advised us on many projects. So spending many years in the recording studio. I think you can take my word on this!
The Linn Sondek LP12 set up right, will give you years of enjoyment.
I agree with the above, but the key is - do you have someone who can set it up correctly? If you're going to buy new, the dealer will do this for you, but think about it if you're buying used.
JC2000 and Alan2 are especially correct as well as the other posts. Once set up well it will stay that way for many years.