Solid stylus cleaners: Extreme Phono vs. Onzow Zer

The Onzow is more than twice as expensive as the Extreme it worth it? Any experience/preferences with this kind of device? In particular, do any of them work as well or better than the liquid kind?
Could you post who here at the 'goN is selling the Zerodust?

I second what Shasta said about the Extreme. Mine arrived with goo all over it, hard as hell to open, and half of it has leaked out.

Dougdeacon: Way cool on the DIY stylus cleaner! Thanks. I am going to give it a try.
Due to shipping in a vertical or reverse postures, the cleaner may leaked out. If that happens, just yank open the case and scrape the content back into the center of the case and flatten the lump.

If any one need more cleaner due to the leak, please send us an e-mail with your address. We will be happy to send you a refill pack without charge.

Zerodust, Magic Eraser, and liquid-on-a-brush puts 10-100x more force on the cantilever then what it's designed for (i.e. 2.0g VTF). If you have an electronic stylus force gauge, you can measure how much force is applied with the cleaning action. Assuming one has heavy fingers, and cleans the stylus before every play, the life expectancy of the stylus could be seriously reduced.

Thanks for the interest. I don't know why more people haven't tried it, perhaps I made it sound more dangerous than it is. As Twl pointed out, unless you do something klutzy it's as safe as any other method.

If you can't find the "components" for the Magic Stylus Cleaner send me an email. I'll make one up and send it to you, or send it in "kit" form if you want that DIY thrill! No charge of course.

BTW to all,
This may be obvious but the world's best stylus cleaner is a clean record. I flick the stylus with a dry brush after each side, as I'm sure you all do, but I often spin for *days* without needing to do more. That's on a system that averages 6-8 hours/day. Clean your records well and stylus cleaning becomes nearly redundant.
Extremephono wrote, "Zerodust, Magic Eraser, and liquid-on-a-brush puts 10-100x more force on the cantilever then what it's designed for (i.e. 2.0g VTF)."

I'm sorry but that's just a huge red herring...
1. People have been using all these stylus cleaners for decades without damage.
2. We all know how far our cantilever deflects when we cue a record. My cantilever deflects far less when I'm cleaning the stylus. I'll wager I'm applying .1x the normal VTF, not 10x.
3. On the few occasions that my stylus actually needs cleaning I typically use the Magic Eraser with the system powered up. If I were applying 20-200g of force my speakers would certainly tell me.

If we're going to use scare tactics, let's make sure we consider all the risks, since any stylus cleaner presents risks if you're a klutz or careless. The risk with the Extremephono is dunking the end of the cantilever into the goop and having to pull upward to remove it. (People HAVE done this BTW.) This is far more dangerous than any amount of upward pressure. No cartridge is designed to withstand downward force on the cantilever. The suspension is already at its limits of travel, so any downforce will be transmitted directly to the cantilever. SNAP!!!

Are we scared yet? ;-)
I'm scared by the thought that possibly in the world someone has taken sandpaper (matchbook striker strip) to a record player needle.