Solid stylus cleaners: Extreme Phono vs. Onzow Zer

The Onzow is more than twice as expensive as the Extreme it worth it? Any experience/preferences with this kind of device? In particular, do any of them work as well or better than the liquid kind?
I have 4 of these - the Exteme Phono, the Mr. Clean DD special, the Onzow Zerodust, and a Signet. Here is my experience:

The Mr. Clean Eraser - some people clip off a chunk and fix it to a small stick or toothpick. It works ok, but requires several usages to get the stylus clean. Least expensive, and for me, least effective though I would chose this over a Last stylus brush.

The Exremephono - works well at cleaning the stylus. However, occasionally (maybe 1 out of 20 uses) a tiny glop of it will adhere to the stylus tip. It seems to have greater adherence to the stylus - 'sticktion' if you will. The clamshell container is easy to use, but I thought there shoulda been a bit more goop in it for the money.

The Signet is effective, but I believe it is not made anymore. To use it I have to place it on the TT and lower the stylus - I hate doing this because of the off chance I might move the TT. I use it rarely.

The Onzow Zerodust - US retail can be expensive, though there is a chap (Mehran, username=Sorasound) selling these here on Agon for $25-$35 dollars. If the Zerodust is at full retail cost ($70) I'd go with the Extreme... however for ~$35 the Zerodust is the best, imo. It is gentler than the Extreme and under no circumstances will it leave goop on the stylus because it is not goopy, and it is easily more effective than the Mr. Clean Eraser. After a couple-three month's of use I wash mine with distilled water and its like new.

I examine my stylus after every play with a 30x loupe. Normally I find that with the Zerodust or Extreme you do not need to brush. That is anouther reason I prefer them to the Eraser. Brushing is a liability if you ask me - at least I don't trust myself enough to do it with the Last type brushes - which are kinda course. Occasionally I will use a v. small camel's hair paint brush to clean around the cantilever. Camel's hair (versus synthetic) seems quite soft and safe.

That's my experience - YMMV.

Every play with a 30x loupe? I use the optic on the Zerodust occasionally. Other than this I entirely agree with your ranking. Even at full retail, I would still go with the Zerodust. It is effective and safe.
I should have added that about every fifth play, I use AudioTop stylus cleaner taking care that I only get the stylus.
Ooops typo - shoulda said 20x loupe. But yes, every play. The loop is mounted on a small stand and set to stylus height, so its easy to move in close and look. It just takes a few moments. Guess I'm being finicky but worth it to me and now its a habit. The Zerodust does the job almost every time, but I'll also clean with LAST cleaner once every few days.

Well, I tried out the Extreme Phono but was quite disapointed, at least by the packaging -- I couldn't get the %#%$# thing open! It was just too much trouble. I put a Speed mat under my Ringmat Anniversary, though, and it was like buying a new (and much better) TT. Anyway, now I clean with Record Research stylus cleaner at the start of each session and either a mr. clean or a camel's hair art brush between sides.