Personal turntable/cartridge evolution

I just ran across the two year old personal speaker evolution and personal amp evolution threads. I am amazed that so far nobody has ever posted the question with respect to turntables/cartridge combinations.

Same deal as the other threads. I will start with my short odyssey through the worl of turntables:

1993 Linn Basik/Akito/K9
1998 Rega Planar 3/RB300/Elys
2000 Rega Planar 3/RB300/Denon DL103
2004 Michell Tecnodec/RB600/Ortofon Kontrapunkt A and Denon DL103R


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1978-1982 Pioneer PL-512 (Belt drive) with an Empire Cartridge

1982-1988 Sony PSX-555(Direct Drive) with AKG 25 Cartrigde

1988-1996 Dual CS5000 (Highly Modified) with and Adcom or Dennon DL 160 Cartridge

1996-Present Well Tempered Record Player with Benz Glider
Cool idea!

1967 Magnavox suitcase record player/ceramic cart (yum!)
1972 Dual 1218/Shure something or other
1975 Dual 1229/same model Shure (1218 stolen from dorm)
1977 Rabco ST-4/linear mistracking arm/ADC XLM
1978 HK Rabco ST-8/ADC XLM MkII (still works fine!)
1984 upgraded stylus to MkIII
1986 captured by tiny aliens flying little silver discs,
returned safely to Earth after 17 yrs of aural torture
2003 Teres 265/OL Silver/HIFI Mod/Shelter 901
2004 upgraded arm to Tri-Planar VII
started listening/collecting vinyl seriously in the late 70's, but i'll be damned if i can remember what the heck i played them on(although i remember not having any interest in audiophile..probably a cheapo rack system). and in the mid 80's for various dumb reasons, sold a very nice collection. anyhow, came back to vinyl in 2002:

2002 pro-ject 1.2/shure m97 c
2003 music hall mmf-7/goldring eroica/benz glider l2
2003-present vpi scout/jmw-9/benz glider l2 originally, recently upgraded to benz ref2 silver
Hmm, well here it goes.

1978 - Technics SL-B20 later upgraded with Ortofon VMS20E
1980 - ADC 1600 DD deck with alloy "Black Widow" like arm and ADC QLM 36
1981 - Thorens TD160/Hadcock GH228 - Decca London Maroon + Ortofon MC10 MC cart - sold ADC deck
1982 - upgraded cart to London Decca Gold (Garrott Brothers rebuild)
1983 - Bought my first Thorens TD124/II in SME plinth with SME 3009 - sold SME, bolted on Hadcock. Sold TD160
1984 - Second deck - Logic DM101 with Audio Technica (Signet) AT1100 and Micro-Seiki LC80W MC cart
1985 - Added another deck! - this time a Thorens TD125/II with Grace 707
1990 - Bought second TD124/II. this time with Rega RB300 - ran Dynavector DV23R Ruby
Ran for 10 years with TD124, Logic DM101, TD125
2002 - Bought my final deck (???) - Platine Verdier with Schroeder Model 2 and Allaerts MC1B - sold the Logic , TD124 and TD125 (by the way lost one TD124 in a house moveback in the 1990s!!)

Still got my Hadcock arm, two London Decca Carts as well as broken MC10, DV23R and LC80W (kids. don't you know?)

Now just spinning LPs with a glass (or bottle) of wine. Think I've now had enough.