Personal turntable/cartridge evolution

I just ran across the two year old personal speaker evolution and personal amp evolution threads. I am amazed that so far nobody has ever posted the question with respect to turntables/cartridge combinations.

Same deal as the other threads. I will start with my short odyssey through the worl of turntables:

1993 Linn Basik/Akito/K9
1998 Rega Planar 3/RB300/Elys
2000 Rega Planar 3/RB300/Denon DL103
2004 Michell Tecnodec/RB600/Ortofon Kontrapunkt A and Denon DL103R


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2 years ago i bought a stanton str8 ,6 mths later a vpi scout w/clearaudio arum beta s,also upgraded pre musical fidelity xlp to acoustech ph1p,
Let's see ...

1973 Garrard changer w/Pickering crtridge
1978 Pioneer PL-117D w/Shure M91ED
1996 Resurrected table, got Grado Black
2002 Rega P2 w/Denon DL160
2004 Oracle Delphi w/Koetsu Rosewood

Fun seeing names/decks from my college past floated about - BIC, Philips, Dual etc - makes me think of old friends (no, literally, not figuratively) moreso than the decks themselves ;-)
geez i fergot about the plastic battery powered portable record player and my box of top 40 45s i had in 1969 10 yrs old!!!

1982: JVC QLY-5F direct-drive with electronically damped tonearm
Cartridges: Adcom crosscoil, Denon 103D, Grace F9-E

1984: Thorens TD166mkII
Cartridge: Denon 103D, Grace F9-Ruby

1985: Kenwood KD-500 with Grace G840-F
Cartridges: Grado, Dynavector "Ruby" 23R

1986: AR ES-1 with MMT
Cartridge: Grado Signature 8M

1986: TEAC TN-400 Magnefloat with Grace G840-F
Cartridge: Grado Signature 8M

1987: Maplenoll Athena
Cartridge: Grado Signature 8M, Sumiko Blue Point (yeccch!), Grado TLZ

1994 Thorens TD124 with SME 3009 S2/imp
Cartridge: Stanton CS-100

2002 Teres (original basic kit) with rosewood plinth, still under construction

2004 Technics SP10mkII in birch ply plinth with JMW-10
Cartridge: Shelter 501/II

At this time, I still have the TEAC, Maplenoll, TD124, Teres and SP10mkII tables. The only arms remaining are the SME, the one built into the Maplenoll, and a Grado Signature (the metal one from the '80's) that hasn't been mounted to a turntable yet. The Shelter cartridge was defective so I returned it, and sold the JMW arm. I have ordered a Music Maker III cartridge, which I plan to try on both the SME and Grado arms. I'll probably eventually pick up a Hadcock 242, which is supposed to be especially good with the Music Maker.

Anymore, the turntables just seem to accumulate, rather than old ones leaving to make room for new ones!
1964 - Garrard Model? (the cheapest, #50 I think); Pickering Cart.
1967 - AR XA; Shure V-15TypeII
1973 - Braun TT; B&O Cart.
1975 - Rabco ST-7; Ortofon MC
1980 to 2001 - nothing, no stereo!
2002 - MMF-7; Clearaudio Wood
2004 - Nott. Hyperspace with OL Illustrious; Shelter 90X (tweaks: Neuance shelf, Nott. motor controller, Bob Benn Insider and Outsider brass record weights)