What is the best phono preamp you have heard?

Please list them down! Thank you
The General Electric MONO one tube(6SC7) phono preamp circa 1955- 959. 1957 Price: $10.95. YES, it is the First and still the Best preamp ever made (millions sold over the years). This is the preamp that started the moving magnet revolution. SIMPLER IS BEST. I would not use any other phono preamp with my Cary 211's
The build in phonostage in my Paragon 12A preamp and my Audio Note AN-6c or Koetsu (each with different cartridges) step up transformer. I've heard a lot of phonostages (owned a ASR Basis Exclusive and Audio Research PH5, E.a.r.) and even sold my beloved Gryphon Orestes phonostage since they all could't match the Paragons ability to make you focus just on music while listening.
I am posting here again since I put new tubes in the ear 834p. I have to say I am very happy with this unit and will be taking it to a higher level. I am considering having it rebuilt completely with the finest parts.
Aesthetix IO Signature. I can't believe that I have not posted here yet? Until now, the one and only best phono stage I have heard is the IO Signature. I have heard the Pass Xono, the ASR Basis both mini and exlusive, the Einstein and the integrated on my Octave preamp. The IO was to me in another league coimpared to these others. I have no reason to look further nor do I desire to persue anything else to compare the IO too, I am completely off the audio rage of the day,,,,,,now I need to see how quad amping will sound like, yes, that is my next quest, 4 tube mono amps.
