Equipment Set-up Recommendations?

Hi Folks:
I recently installed an air-bearing linear tracking tonearm (the MG-1). Table and cartridge are Teres 255 and ZYX Airy 3x-sb low output. Generally, I'm thrilled with the setup, but I find that when I walk around the room, the cartridge can jump, which is very disconcerting.

When I switch to the OL Silver arm I have, such jumping does not seem to occur, so I'm guessing the MG-1 is more sensitive. All my equipment is supported with the double rack, which may also be a variable to consider - I have my Teres on top - about 40 inches above the ground.

Anyway, I'd welcome any input or insight that migth provide me with a more stable, isolated listening environment where my cartridge won't jump (how bad is that for the cartridge anyway - should that be considered an emergency, or is it pretty common/not-a-big-deal? I've inquired about getting a Gingko platform, which may or may not help. Ideally, I'd like to keep the Teres on top of the rack, as it looks great, is highly accessible, and I don't want to take up more realestate with a seperate Teres stand, if I don't have to.

Anyway, any input and advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Gregadd, suspensions often do not fix the "bouncing" issue, but often make it worse.

My Linn LP12 that I had for years, always had a very noticeable "bouncing" when I walked around the room.(Yes, it was set-up correctly).
My unsuspended table never had any problems like that.
Hi Outlier,

When a turntable is placed on a rack situated on a suspended floor there many times will be a tendency for significant mistracking.

When a person steps across one section of the floor that one spot will deflect up and down in response to the pressure of the person's foot. Because the entire floor is flexing in response, the section under the equipment rack is not deflecting directly up and down it will be rocking back and forth. This rocking motion is even more pronounced at the top of an equipment rack. Many tonearms have difficulty in this type of situation and linear trackers are even less tolerant of anything less than a perfectly flat and tranquil environment.

I would suggest that placing a high mass device directly under the turntable will be beneficial in your situation. This will mass load the equipment rack and make it less prone to deflection and rocking. The particular material or device that you choose will be quite critical, however. I would suggest that you avoid materials that ring (such as metal, stone, glass, etc.) as well as materials that are resonant (wood, acrylic, plastic, etc.). Any of these materials will impart its own sonic signature on whatever music the turntable is playing and this will result in increased coloration taking you further away from faithfully reproducing the sound of the instrument as it has been captured in the recording.

We have sold a large number of our Big Rock platforms to people that are in your situation and they have reported very good results. The Big Rock is not only very high mass it is also highly absorptive and has the ability to dissipate unwanted excess energy that is trapped in the turntable's chassis due to air-borne vibration and internally generated vibration from the motor. In addition, it provides a barrier to floor-borne vibration coming up through the equipment rack but it is not a highly compliant device.

Using a highly compliant mounting will not be beneficial in your situation because it may accentuate the rocking motion.

Using a rigid mounting under the turntable will increase the amount unwanted energy that is traveling up through the rack and into the turntable.

Best Regards,

Barry Kohan

Disclaimer: I am a manufacturer of vibration control products.
Tracking at 2 grams should be plenty heavy for most any cartridge. Given that your pivoted arm seems to not have this problem, i would assume that it has something to do with the way that the air-bearing arm is installed. Then again, the pivoted arm may be experiencing enough side-wall thrust & drag that the friction "holds" the cartridge in place. Otherwise, if the arm / table truly are level in all three planes ( front to back, side to side and diagonally ) and the arm is installed properly, the table simply lacks proper isolation characteristics and / or the rack itself doesn't isn't nearly as good at isolating floor-borne vibrations as advertised.

Given that some of the most fondly loved and reviewed turntables suffer from such a problem, that part of the equation would not surprise me one bit. The fact that the Adona's support the shelves directly under the component also leads me to believe that it would transfer more energy than a rack that supported the shelves from near the edges.

The idea about mass loading the floor in the area near the rack may help somewhat, but you can expect it to change the sonics of the system for the worse too. That is, i think that you'll find that the sound will "dry up" quite noticeably and the bass will become far heavier and less distinct.

Personally, i would suggest going over the arm installation again. Please keep us apprised of what you end up doing to correct the problem as there are many others that are interested in this arm. Sean
For Gregadd

Mounting turntables in corners opens up a whole 'nother can of worms. Not a very good suggestion IMHO.

a few solutions:
a) don't walk or dance or run during an analogue playback.
b) place an extra pannel under the rack stand.