Empire Turntables New in Box-Worth Anything?

I just found out that the guy I am friends with-his father- owned Empire Scientific in Grden City, NY.
What gear should I look for and what do you think it is worth if new in a box over used gear...
I know he has carts, tables, and arms.

Thanks for your help.
Empire 598 and 698 turntables, complete with arm, were good solid performers, and would satisfy most people today. New in the box unused is a plus for any piece of mechanical equipment, where wear could be an issue.

I wouldn't put much value on a decades-old cartridge. The stylus elastomer mounting is probably hardened up.
I beleive there is am a maufacturer who could have any turntable he wants and uses a modified empire. Maybe someone else has run across it an remembers who it is.
Gregadd, Ralph Karsten of Atma-sphere heavily modifies an Empire 208 or similar earlier Empire model. This is the turntable that he uses at the CES.

Here is the link: modded 208