Phonostage Burn-in to keep unit sharp

There are phonostage burn-in products out there (KAB, Hagerman, Thor) that utilize your CD player. Most frequently these products are used to speed up the break-in process of your phonostage. But are they worthwhile to use every month or so to improve phonostage performance? I was told doing this is akin to driving your car on the freeway to blow out the carbon. I've yet to buy a burn-in unit. Do you think they are worthwhile?
Yesterday I accidentally tuned my FM tuner to a Rap music station and it played through my amplifier for several minutes before I realized what was going on. This caused the transistors to become very traumatized, and I expect that several hours of nice quiet Mozart will be needed before the amplifier sounds good again.
Granite Audio makes a CD you can get from Music Direct. You just plug your CD player into your phono stage, but only track 33 for low output MC.